Chapter 17

#Chapter 17 What Are We?

Xavier’s POV

I wouldn’t have minded killing Stella riight then and there. She always had a bad habit of not knowing when to shut the hell up.

My eyes shifted to Vick as he watched my hands that were wrapped around his daughter’s neck. It must have sucked to have felt so useless that he couldn’t do anything to save his own daughter.

Vick started to cry and begged harder. "Please, my Lord! Don't do this to my Stella! She had nothing to do with this plan; it was all my idea! Please, let her go and we will leave immediately!"

I stopped for a moment and looked at the pathetic man who wept in front of me. Not long after, I loosened my grip on Stella. "You are to never set foot on Leonard territory again or I will not be so kind next time."

After the two fled, I was able to return to my study so I could begin the day's work. I needed to regain my focus on more important matters.