Chapter 20

#Chapter 20 Feeding the Flames

Eloise’s POV

Ever since I first saw the prophecy's vision from the ancient mirror, I had nightmares almost every night. The bodies that littered the floor and the blood drained from their faces always terrified me.

But when I got married to the man who was destined to kill me and everyone I loved, the nightmares suddenly stopped. Maybe it had something to do with Xavier’s body always being so warm throughout the night. That always managed to calm me down.

But for some reason, I wasn't able to sleep so peacefully tonight. I stayed in the bedroom all day so it’s not like anything happened.

Yet, I tossed and turned restlessly, despite the warmth from Xavier's body usually being enough to calm me down.

My eyes were still closed as if I were asleep. While I was in an exhausted state, I couldn’t mistake the feeling of someone who was touching me. At first, the hand rested on my shoulder and massaged it softly.

I thought it was Nora.