Unfortunately, mother-daughter bonding time had had to be interrupted due to unavoidable circumstances. The circumstances being the fact that images of Barry kept flashing on Bianca's mind and she had to keep herself busy or she would keep having her reccuring fantasy of giving Barry a private strip show while be flicked bills on her. Trixxy thought she liked him and that was just ridiculous. In the midst of her life falling apart, the only thing she could think about was apparently him and that was coming off very sad to Bianca.
With that, she decided focusing more on her life as it was at that moment would be the wisest things to Do. She'd gotten the eviction notice two days ago and had done nothing but leave missed calls on the landlords phone and so far that wasn't any progress. Organizing things would definitely keep her occupied. She decided a good place to start was to pick up Trixxy' s stuff since her end of their shared bedroom was organized and just giving it one look she could see what she was working with. Its like Trixxy's things would basically pack themselves She would work up to the mountain of hoarded stuff that was on her side of the room.
She could hear the TV's volume from the bedroom, each time she thought she was getting in an organizing trance it would immediately snap her out, with the high volumed ads. If she didn't hear from the landlord by the end of the week she would pretty much have to go see him in person. There wasn't enough space at Elmer's for three people. It was generous enough that Trixxy would be safe and sound in conditioned sheets at Elmer's when her stuff would be flung out the window by movers.
She hadn't even noticed it when she finished boxing up Trixxy's stuff and labeling them. Two boxes down the line and she was through. Hadn't really given he the challenge she was looking for comimg into this but motherhood had installed a Trixxy related selflessness program in her mind where she couldn't not put her daughter first. Bianca turned to her side of the room, and sighed. That would definitely cut it. Pulling the scrunchie off her left arm with her teeth she grabbed her shoulder length wavy hair and held it behind her ears where it wouldn't curtain her eyes.
Her eyebrows pinched together while the realization that she would have to give up some of her stuff settled on her. Looking at her pile you wouldn't know she earned minimum wage. Her tastes remained expensive even when her life went south. She was attached to every single one of her heels, so that wasn't going to happen. And her coats were an essential part of her aesthetic, gotta have the fur to warn people you are exactly the kind of bitch they fear you are. And she needed all six of her perfurmes to get her signature scent And her make up, she paused, halfway opening her powder stained drawer staring at the mess inside, she definitely could do without most of those. A smile crept her lips, she was beginning to figure it out. She took what she needed wanting to put them in a handbag where she would most easily access them and then was faced with a new dilemma, what bags to keep and which ones to give away or sell.
" What the actual hell!" she sighed deciding she'd just close her eyes and stuff things in a box with no particular order. The fun of it was all over. She had no more enthusiasm for things like this. It was definitely more effective. Her mind had temporarily stopped supplying information about that man who'd turned out apparently too gorgeous for his own good when she cleared out her closet amd came across it. The highschool year book. The remaining piece of documented proof of the star that she once was.
Her heart begged her not to open it but curiosity nudged at her. The heart's always the loudest and yet for somtw reason always gets ignored in the beginning. So there she was, skimming through everyone else until she got to where she was. You couldn't miss it, right in the middle of the book. She was at the top of the pyramid, both literally in the cheerleading routine when that photo was taken, and socially. She'd flashed her signature toothless smile that was both warm and threatening at the same time. Her luscious hair poured from a royal blue ribbon to her waistline and even though she was a scary large distance away from the ground, she wasn't scared. Infact she seemed to enjoy it, like she belonged there.
" I belong here..." a strained whisper left her now chapped lips, a think droplet of tears splattered on the page and she quickly wiped it.
She missed being her, the girl that kept it all together gracefully. She remembered what a mess her life was even back then. Her foster parents had just conceived their own child and she was starting to slowly fade into the background. She remembered being sick and leaving class to throw up and being worried she might be pregnant. She remembered not wanting to tell Gary, even when Vanessa adviced her to. She was bad ass. Now, she wasn't sure anymore.
Then it hit her, she still was a badass and she'd prove it.
Trixxy was still watching the tv when suddenly it went off. The lights in the living room remained on, so atleast that wasn't parts of what she knew to be home dying on her one piece at a time. Bianca appeared in front of her, with that serious look on her face. She was going to do something outrageous, she just knew it. She was feeding into one of her impulses and Trixxy could only cross her fingers about it and hope everything would be fine.
" You're moving to Elmer's, today."
Then there was silence.But not to be misinterpreted as an opportunity to argue or a space for Trixxy to speak. She was buzzing with so much energy it radiated off her. You couldn't reason with her when she was like that if you tried. Trixxy hadn't seen Bianca like this in a while. She had an overnight bag and wore a pink hoodie over her pajamas. She was going to go into public that way. Judging by how she wasn't saying anything else but that. Trixxy slid her tiny feet into herr shoes and led the way to the door. There'd be plenty of time for questions on the way.
" So what's going on here?"
" Its hard to explain but I think I may or may not have a breakthrough."
" Is that why we're going at Aunt El's?"
" Not really, your aunt has very embarrassing hobbies that are going to help me with the breakthrough of mine. You'll see."
She was going to read those freaking books. Did she hate the couple, yes. Maybe its because they were both short haired, plus size and matched outfits but they were giving her very much sibling vibes and she was unable to get past that. A relationship like that could only mean one thing, one of them was suffering through it. No way in hell could two people be that similar. And if they were Barry's parents, lying about having worked through issues with him, then most of what they wrote was really whack. But she'd sort this whack out until she got the answer to the big question.
It was just occuring to her that's what had made Barry such a target for bullies back then. For some reason his parents had thought it would be a fun thing to put personal stuff about their son into books for everyone to see. His child hood trauma was an e-book away and in every Library. Max should have been making it better but he was going through his Asshole era, so there were times when he was actually on top of the bullying. Now that she was thinking back at it, it was dawning on he just her screwed up it all was.
But atleast those books would be useful for something. Elmer's main source of entertainment was reading. She said she didn't want anything messing up her attention span. And when she decided she liked a writer she would buy everything they ever out down on paper. Even if it was flyers.
As you may guess, Elmer wasn't so pleased about the unexpected visit. But this time Bianca wouldn't have to mention her to get things going, Trixxy was right there, in the flesh, with look o confusion plastered on her face. She'd just taken out half of the braids on her head and most of her patience had worn out.
" This had better be an emergency. "
She further pushed open the door to let them in and positioned herself back in the hair-do sanctuary she'd made for herself in her living room: A laptop playing a movie, hair products ready to go and water in a spray bottle.
" It really had better be. " Trixxy crossed her arms looking at Bianca. It was a sin for any black woman to pause the doing of her hair if it wasn't a life and death situation. Not that Britt would understand, she looked the way she did even with an unstable sleeping schedule and hair just held back to merely keep it away from her face.
" It kind of is, depending on how you define an emergency. "
" A life or death kind of situation." Trixxy and Elmer said in unison. If their frustration hadn't gotten to Bianca before then that should have been it. But only one thing could kick Bianca off her high, reading all those books and finding the girl wasn't described or that it wasn't her You couldn't get adjectives on Bianca wrong. One look at her was enough to inspire a full book not just the descriptions. Elmer pointed her to the direction of the books and off she went.