
With a little help from my Beta breakfast went down without a hitch. Every time Abigail started babbling some bullshit about Andie. Skyler would run his hand up her thigh brushing his thumb against her pussy.

It seemed to be the perfect distraction, at least it proved to be effective at keeping her mouth shut.

After a nice peaceful visit with Andie's parents and a delicious hot breakfast. Andie and I,along with my parents, stood at the entrance of the pack house.It took us almost two hours to bid everyone fare well and thank them for coming.

Some people loaded up in the Escalades to be taken back to our private airfield. Where they boarded their own private aircraft.

While others had arranged private limousines to take them to the international airport in Juneau.

After everyone else had left, Skyler and I drove the crew from the Silver Moon Pack out to the airfield so they could head back to California.

Andie seems to be doing okay now, I did catch a bit of apprehension coming from the bond right after her dad's helicopter lifted off the ground this last time.

Instinctively I pulled her across the seat, tucking her into my side. Wrapping my arm around her snugly, I kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear "Please don't let doubts cloud your mine sweetheart.Put your fath in the Moon Goddess she knows we're going to be great together and so do I." To my relief it worked wonderfully, she seems to have calmed down considerably now.

" Babe, what's in the little black case?" I ask curiously, wondering what was so important that her dad set the helicopter back down after liftoff. Her mom jumped out like her tail was on fire just to hand Andie the little black case. And now Andie is clutching onto like her life depends on whatever is inside that mysterious little case.

" It has my supplements in it." She squeezed, like a little mouse. Her voice so low I could barely hear what she said.

"Supplements" I repeated " like vitamins?" I ask, just to be positive that is what she had said. I found her reply a little odd, I have never heard of a werewolf taking vitamins.

We simply don't need them, werewolves can survive in some of the harshest conditions on earth going months with sparse amounts of food and water.

Our metabolism is amazing, it's normally extremely high. We can eat what ever we want and never gain excess weight. We can also go straight into survival mode, only living off the land with no problem.

" Something like that." She murmured, leaving me still wondering why an Alpha female would need to take a vitamin.

" What's kind of vitamins are you taking?" I ask, my confusion evident in the tone of my voice.

"I don't exactly know what all the components are in them. My dad and Dr. Lance,the head of research in the lab,at my dads company developed them just for me. I have been taking them since I was a baby ."

" What are they for?" I prodded, for more information. It sounds like it's very important for her to take them.

" I'm not really sure, my dad never told me

but my dad and Doctor Lance run test on me every year to make adjustments in my supplements."she calmly explained, and for the first time since I met her ,I was really glad she couldn't feel my emotions, because I was really getting worried. Fuck! this sounds serious.

"Babe have you had your test done this year?" I ask, trying to sound calm when in reality I was afraid, afraid of what, I don't really know. But something just isn't right with this situation. Andie is a smart girl she knows about drugs to treat medical conditions. So why hasn't her parents told her about the medication she is taking?

" Not yet, My dad does them the day after my birthday every year." She responded, and I could feel a little nervousness and dejection coming from her through the bond.

What the hell is she thinking? I wondered. Is it possible she's thinking I would reject her because she's on supplements of some kind. Or is she thinking that she might miss her test this year. Well she can get all that crazy nonsense out of pretty little head. Because no way is any of that happening.

Letting my instincts lead me again I brought my hand up and gently pressed her head onto my chest giving her a soft kiss on her scalp.

"Don't worry about it Babe, we can fly down to your mom and dad's house the day before your birthday. You can have your test done and we can spend a little time with your parents , it's no problem." I murmured into her silky dark hair as I stroked her soft cheek with my thumb.

Closing my eyes for a brief moment I listened closely to the steady rhythm of our hearts beating in sync together while savoring the tingling sensation of our bond.

Reluctantly I removed my arm from around her shoulder as we pulled up in front of the Pack house. I turned off the Escalade, jumped out and slide my girl underneath the steering wheel, making her land on the ground right beside me.

I Grabbed Andie's tiny hand and made a beeline towards the her bedroom, pushing the door closed behind us.

" Babe put your vitamins up in a safe place" I said, then I remember her mom is the one who thought about her vitamins not Andie.

And just to make sure she wouldn't forget I ask " Do you need me to remind you to take them ,or do you remember to take them on your own?"

" I take them on my own, I have an alarm set on my phone. I only take one capsule a day first thing in the morning before breakfast." She reassured me.

" Sweetheart I have a mini fridge on the way up here. What would you like to have it stocked with,water, juice or soda?" I ask.listing some of the options available here in the pack house.

" Thank you, you didn't have to do that. I don't have a mini fridge in my room at my dads house." She said sincerely with a hint of jittery shyness seeping through the bond making my heart flutter and my stomach churn in excitement.

That's when I noticed I had pulled her back into my arms and had continued stoking her cheek with my thumb. Similar to the way I had done in the Escalade on the way back here from the airfield. Was that truly my girls feelings or was that mine? I examined what I was feeling closer and internally I jumped for joy. Fuck Yes! I yelled in my head.

That was her feelings come through from the bond. I believe I'm actually making her little heart flutter and giving her butterflies. Does that mean my girl is finally crushing on me or hopefully falling in love with me? I wondered.

Ether way I held her a little tighter and closed my eyes again savoring that magical feeling for a few more moments. Leaning in a bit closer I placed a small kiss on her forehead. Immediately stepping back to giving my girl a little space, before her butterflies turn into wasps and make her panic.I cleared my throat choking down my own emotions.

" Are you ready to head to the cave?" I ask, still grinning from the fuzzy feelings that I know for sure was her's this time.

"Yeah just let me pull my hair up in a ponytail and grab a sweatshirt." She murmured, wiggling out of my arms.She disappeared into the closet leaving me feeling desperate just to touch her again.

" I'm ready" I heard my girl say as she stepped out of the closet.

I held out my hand with out grabbing her's this time, just to see what she would do. To my delight ,she placed her hand in mine lacing our fingers together.

I almost shouted like a Pentecostal preacher on Sunday morning when those exhilarating little tingles zapped my palm. Ah, now that glorious warm feeling is spreading up my arm. A feeling I never want to be without ,ever again.

" Come on Babe, Skyler and my dad are already out beside the big garage waiting for us." I murmured with a slight tug on her warm hand.

We scurried down the stairs and rushed across the lawn making our way to the big garage just as my dad was unlocking the big sliding doors.

He glanced at me over his shoulder with a sneaky ass grin on his face, making me wonder what he's up to. And I didn't need to wait very long to find out.

Hey Andie, Do you want to ride in the side by side with me?It has an air conditioner and your hair won't get messed up."He said, flashing me that sneaky ass grin again.

" No,Andie's riding with me." I replied flatly leaving no room for argument.However it didn't work on my old man.

His old ass chuckled " Now Zack, don't you think Andie is the one that should decide who she wants to ride with."

" No, the Moon Goddess decided for her and she chose me." I responded smugly, and tugged on Andie's hand towards my four wheeler .

" Jump on babe, I'm going to ride behind you." I murmured, pointing at my four wheeler seat where I wanted her to sit.

"Are you going to let me drive?" She ask, blinking thoes damn big blue eyes at me.

That's not what I really had in mind. I just wanted her caged between my arms so I would know she's safe and wouldn't fall off.

" Do you want to drive?" I ask, hoping she says no, and I could continue with my plan to keep her little ass safe.

"Yeah I do, I love to ride four wheelers Jaylee and I go with Peyton and Brent all the time."

She chirped all chipper and shit.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair but I couldn't bring myself to deny her this little bit of fun " Okay babe,you can drive until we get to the creek .After that the trail gets really steep and I need to be in control."

" That's right Andie, you might as well know, your mate is a control freak."Skyler snickered like a fucking hyena.

"Fuck you asshole." I growled, turning my gaze back to my girls beautiful little face and softening the tone of my voice. " Don't listen to him, that's not what I ment .The trail gets dangerous after the creek and I know the safest route to take."

Andie nodded, " Okay "She replied with a cute little smile.

Skyler rolled his damn eyes " Don't give in to him so fast. He's right about the trail and you should give in this time. But don't make it a habit, actually if you take advantage of the power you have over him. You can have the big bad Wolf eating out of your dainty little hand."

"Shut the fuck up." I yelled at Skyler.

" Alright you two stop with the damn bickering and let's go,we need to get back for the parade. "My dad reminded us, clearly exasperated with our petty arguments .

With out another word from either of us I threw my leg over the seat ,settling myself down behind my girl. We followed my dad out of the garage with Skyler bringing up the rear.

My dad didn't fuck around, he hit the trail running with out checking up. And I've got to hand to Andie, I was totally impressed by the way she handled my Polaris sportsman 1000. It's a big powerful four wheeler and she's a tiny little girl. But she handled my big ass four wheeler like an ATV National Champ on race day.

I thought Skyler was going to fall off his four wheeler cackling when my hands tightened around the rack on the back of my four wheeler, just to stay on the damn thing. When my girl stood her little ass up catching about six foot of air jumping hills. I heard Skyler in my head.

' What a delicate little Luna we have.' Skyler cackled into the mind link .' Are you sure she's your mate? Shouldn't she be opposite of your aggressive ass?'

' That's what I have always been told. But I'm positive she's my mate.' I quickly sent back, relieved that Andie was now sliding the four wheeler to a stop beside the creek bank .

"That was fun, thank you." Andie said sweetly with a big smile on her gorgeous little face.

" You're welcome sweetheart, we can ride anytime you want.Just say the word babe and we'll do it." I promised, even though I almost had a heart attack on that last jump her reckless little ass made across the ravine.

Skyler rolled his fucking eyes ' Wow! that's fuckin flowery Romeo, how'd you get so pussy whipped with out even touching it .' He snickered through the mind link.-

I ignored his smart ass comment and shouted over my shoulder, "Let's roll asshole."pulling my four wheeler into the shallow end of the creek bed to continue on our way to the cave.