
[Andie: I'm not going to lie and say I'm perfectly fine.I'm a little shaken up and a bit confused about this whole situation. And I don't understand why you and mom waited so long to tell me all this. ]

[Alpha Lucius: Sweetheart when I brought you back home, you were the size of a new born baby. So we never told anyone that you and Peyton were twins. And if it makes you feel any better Peyton and Abby still don't know. Other than being extremely intelligent, you never showed any signs of being older. Actually, I don't believe that has anything to do with your age,because Peyton isn't as smart as you. So we didn't think telling you would make any difference.The only other time we considered telling you is when you shifted early. Now you tell me, if I told you then,would that have stopped you from shifting to play in the woods with your brother. I remember telling you not to shift. But every time I turned around ,you were out in the woods chasing your brother and Brent around in your wolf form.Even though shifting was painful for you.]

[ Andie : I probably wouldn't have stopped shifting. But it would have helped me understand why mom was so paranoid about me being kidnapped]

[Alpha Lucius:I can see your point,it could have possibly helped you understand, But at what age do you think we should have told you, something like that. You need to look at my point of view, Your mother was already dealing with trauma, I didn't want to risk you have nightmares or experiencing paranoid episodes. My degree is in medicine and pharmaceutical research sweetheart. I'm not a psychiatrist and the last thing I wanted to do is make things worse.]

[Zack: Alpha Lucius ,my sister is a psychiatrist and I'm sure she can probably help Luna Carolina.Julie's office is in Boston,but I'm sure they can set up something online .That way Luna Carolina can relax and not worry about what she says to some outsider. That is if she could ever find another Psychiatrist of our kind.]

[ Alpha Lucius: That's a good idea Zack, I will ask her. I'm sure she would like to talk about this with someone else besides me. I will get back to you If she agrees to talk to your sister and you can text me her number .Now Andie, if you feel like you need help dealing with this please don't hesitate to talk with Zack's sister.]

[Andie : I will, and Daddy, I'm glad you're a medical Doctor and a scientist not a psychiatrist. If you hadn't been who you are, I might not be alive right now. I could possibly still be inside a pod half frozen. Thank you for saving my life.]

[ Alpha Lucius: No need to thank me sweetheart, I did it for my own selfish reasons . I would have been devastated and heartbroken without you in my life. Besides ,who else would I have rescued from a starfish on the beach.]

[Andie: Daddy! Please don't tell Zack that story. ]

[Zack: Oh, now I've got to hear it.]

[Andie: No,don't you dare, I was little, and it looked scary.]

[Alpha Lucius: Okay sweetheart, I won't tell Zack how you screamed like a shark was attacking you,when a starfish crawled onto the beach beside you.]

[Zack: Oh, this is priceless, an Alpha female afraid of a starfish.]

[Andie: I was little.] My girl protested hiding her face in my chest.

[ Alpha Lucius: Well, I guess now that I have done my job as a father, by embracing my daughter in front of her mate. I only have one more thing to tell the two of you. It's possible that Andie might be able to feel the mate bond in a year and a half. I'm not really sure of it, but based on the fact that she shifted at the time of her actual twelfth birthday. I just wanted the two of you to be aware of the possibility of that happening.]

[ Zack: What do we do if that happens?] I ask seriously. All of this was so confusing to me. I have a mate with a fourteen year old body and a sixteen year old wolf and the mind of a thirty year old. Everything about Andie is as confusing as hell. And Alpha Lucius laughed like I said something stupid.

[Alpha Lucius: Zack,I'm her father,do you really expect me to tell you that? All I can say, is if both of you can feel the bond,I'm sure you will figure out what to do.]

Oh Fuck! I did ask something stupid. No wonder Alpha Lucius laughed at my ass. Now Andie is even snickering at my ass. What the Fuck!

[ Zack: Thank you for the heads up. I guess we will see what happens and do what we think is best for the both of us.] I responded ,trying my best to maintain an Alpha face like those old fuckers.

[Alpha Lucius: Sounds good to me, just follow your instincts and I'm sure everything will be okay.]

[zack: Well, I guess we will let you go now, so that you can get some rest. And I want to thank you for answering my questions. I was truly worried about Andie's safety and her health.]

[ Alpha Lucius: Zack, just take care of my little girl, that's all the thanks I need. Bye sweetheart, daddy loves you.]

[Andie: Bye daddy, I love you too.]

After ending the call with Alpha Lucius, I flipped off my computer , pushed back with my heal, spinning my chair to the side. Patted Andie's thigh, prompting her to stand up "Come on babe let's go to bed, it's getting late."

We sauntered down the hallway towards the stairs in silence. Andie seemed to be trying to

process everything her father had said, and I didn't want to disturb her. So I stayed quiet holding her close to my side as we ascended the stairs to our bedrooms in the dim lighting from the lamp in the entrance hall.

Coming to a halt in front of Andie's bedroom door, I reached for the door handle but before I could push the door open,I heard her mutter thoughtfully ."You know, I was probably the Pure blooded Alpha female that rumor was about."

" I'm sure you were sweetheart, there's only two Prure Blooded Alpha Families in North America even our cousins bloodlines have now been mixed with beta, gamma, omega and even human bloodlines. Well I suspect the woman is a human, anyway ,you and I are the last pure blooded couple here in North America. Julie is mated to Aaron and he's an Alpha but his mother has a beta bloodline.My cousin Lima is an Alpha but his mother has a totally mixed bloodline."I stated. Pushing the door open and walking on inside Andie's bedroom with her.

" Andie giggled " When you said that you suspect the woman is a human are you talking about my Aunt Hazel? My Uncle Clayton's wife?"

" Yeah, I guess, your dad's younger brother the big shot Neurosurgeon in Eureka." I ask,ambling on over to the bed.

I kicked my shoes off and scooted back against the head board. Spreading my legs apart and pulled Andie down to comfortably lay between them, with her back resting against my chest.

It seems my girl wanted to talk now, and I was more than willing to chat about anything that would help her relax.

" She's really a witch." Andie said "My cousin Chloe is a hybrid,a witch with a wolf. Aunt Hazel is from a coven of witches who lives deep inside the Amazon Rainforest. My Uncle Clayton met Aunt Hazel, his soulmate, when he traveled to Brazil, to inspect a shipment of plants from the Rainforests for my dad. That's how Aunt Hazel's coven makes money, collecting and selling rare plants used to make medicine.Did you know about twenty five percent of all drugs used in Western modern medicine are derived from Amazonian plants." Andie chattered away, becoming more relaxed with every word she spoke.

" What makes you think you're Aunts really a witch sweetheart ,and not just a regular human?" I ask,lightly stroking her long silky hair,which seemed to help her relax even more.

" Aunt Hazel can apparate,and enchant objects with her magic. She has also cast a spell around our pack lands to keep people with bad intentions out." Andie replied seriously, causing me to halt my movements my hand hovering in midair above the back of her head.

" Apparate, like teleport?" I ask, just to make sure I heard her right.

Andie bobbed her head " Yep, like teleport,

Chloe can do it too. You never know when their going to just pop over to the house,they can even bring Uncle Clayton with them."

" Wow!"I exclamed " I'd like to see that sometime."peered down my chest at Andie trying stifle another giggle.

" I'm sure you will," she said, sounding totally amused, before clearing her throat and continuing with what she was saying "when we go to mom and dad's for my yearly check up they will probably be there.Uncle Clayton and Aunt Hazel live in Eureka,but pop over for a visit almost every night. Well, not exactly in Eureka, they live in an old Gothic Victorian Mansion on a cliff that over looks the ocean a few miles away from Eureka."

I chuckled, "A witch and werewolf living in a secluded Gothic Mansion by the ocean, sounds like a horror movie some Hollywood producer dreamed up."

" I never thought about like that, because I always had so much fun at Chloe's house. She would help me find sea shells on the beach that's below her house". Andie responded, through a yawn snuggling deeper into my chest.

"Is that where you got attacked by the starfish?" I teased, but got no response, I peered down my chest and just as I had expected my girl had falling asleep.

"Andie" I whispered her name, thinking she might just be resting,but all I got in response was a quiet little sigh. I watched her sleep for a moment taking in the sight of my beautiful little mate. Her dark butterfly eyelashes rested on the soft smooth skin below her eyes, and her cheeks held a little rosey color, her soft plump lips slightly parted as she took shallow little breaths and tested every inch of my control.

That's when I realized my choice to have her lean on me,wasn't the wisest decision I've ever made. If I move from my position it's going to wake her up .And if I don't ,I'm sure I'll have a raging hard on in the morning,from breathing in her erotic scent all night.

Fuck! I cursed to myself,Grabbed the other pillow and stuffed it behind my head.Leaned back as far as I could against the headboard, away from Andie's scent.Then I closed my eyes and tried to get the image of Andie's soft kissable looking lips out of my head.


I woke up feeling refreshed and calm,no actually better than that, I feel supercharged,

Way better than I usually feel. I looked down and immediately realized the reason. I was holding Andie's hand in my sleep,this mate bond thing is amazing. Maybe I can find away to hold Andie's hand every night and wake up feeling this great every day.

Glancing over at the clock on the night stand I see it's already seven o'clock.I leaned forward and kissed the top of Andie's head, waking my sleeping beauty up. She squirmed around and yawned slowly opening her big blue eyes .

" Good morning sweetheart "I smiled at my beautiful girl.

" Good morning "she mumbled,smashing her face into my chest