"How could you do that to your brother? How could you do that to our FAMILY?!?" His mother's ghost was haunting his dreams again. "Your father worked so hard on securing me a seat on the Council and now it's GONE!"
Senan Earl Gilhoughley told all seven of his children that he was proud to be the husband to a member of the Council, ANY Council really, of Magical Beings. His wife was a strong, confident woman and had to work in Washington, DC, surrounded by humans and other magical creatures, seen and unseen. He was happy to adjust his work for the ley lines of the area. She was better with people and he was better with plants and rocks.
"You KNEW that the Living Wood was designed by the Gods to select the proper candidates to represent the magical humans. Your father was so PROUD that your brother was chosen to succeed me. How could you betray your brother? How could you have him killed?!? I am so terribly disappointed." With the last sentence echoing in his mind, he woke.
He knew that she would visit each of her children in their sleep. She was a powerful Druid. The fact that she was tortured in her afterlife by his actions made him sick. He got out of bed and put on his uniform for work.
Doug got to the office before his father. His uniform shirt is freshly ironed by his loving wife. He smiled to himself. 'Sometimes,' he thought to himself, 'I really wonder what she sees in me.'
"You've done well, boyo." Senan Earl Gilhoughley was a man of faint praise. Doug wondered if the praise was earned or sarcastic. Doug wondered if sharing a first name, or the father-son dynamic made them more likely to be competitive.
"What's that, Dad?" When they're alone, at the beginning of the day, sharing coffee from the half century old coffee maker, they can have a father-son moment.
"You closed the Waterfront contract. That was a toughie!" The father/son company is a landscape architect/construction company. It helped to have a couple of Fae on the team, posing as Hondurans. The Santero-in-training on the team made sure the real Hispanics didn't let it be known that they were working with magical beings. None of them wanted to lose their lucrative jobs.
"Thanks, Dad." Doug looks at his father again. Dad has aged noticeably since his son, then wife passed away. It was hard for him to lose everything so quickly. For Senan Sr., family first. He loved his work with the landscape and he was proud of his wife's work for the Council.
As each child was born, he helped bring them to be named before the Living Wood Table where the Councillors sit. The Table did not light at all until Siobhan, who went on to become a Natural Doctor. Scully, the fifth born got no light, either. Their mother thought that since the mage on the Council was a man, that the Living Wood wanted a female candidate. When Sara, the sixth child got no light, their mother became confused. When Seamus was named, the Living Wood glowed, lighting the entire assembly hall. Everyone knew then, that Seamus would be the next religious magical human for the Council of the Eastern U.S.
Senan Sr. said that when Seamus died with his wife and their daughter disappeared, that it had been too much for Ma, and her heart broke. Yes, Doug and all his other siblings had also been in mourning, but Ma was closest to Seamus. It seems funny to Doug that Seamus had their father's gift with plants, but was very effective on the Council as well.
Javier Figueroa came into the office for the work truck keys. "Hey, Senans. Having a family moment?" Javi had been working for and training with the Gilhoughleys for three years. In two more years, he would be returning to his town in Honduras and training two years with his predecessor. Javi was a third child and felt called to religious service as a Santero - a white priest. His positive energy touches everyone around him. His eldest brother is taking over the brick laying business. His second brother is a police officer in Texas, trying to help the people and not participate in the corruption from Mexico. Javi knew how important family can be and appreciated the Gilhoughleys for their dedication to one another. "You guys going to be at the football field tonight?"
"My sons will tackle me if we don't!" Javier and the Gilhoughleys used the European word for soccer (because you use your feet!). "I'm just thankful that Jose is on our side!" Doug and Javi's sons played on the team together and worked together almost as well as the fathers.
As the rest of the crew comes in to work, the family moment is broken. Still, Doug needed Dad to hear it, "Thanks again, Dad." Dad's responding nod and smile said more than words.
I found the pictures of my parents' wedding. Grandma Meghan with a tall, dark haired man, smiles lighting their faces. My parents were talking with a noble-looking couple. The balding man was smiling with perfect posture. The woman kissed my father on the cheek while holding his hands in hers. Her perfect braid surrounded her head. The Father reminded her of Senan Douglas Gilhoughley, my eldest uncle. It's nice to see my grandparents.I miss my parents. Still, the happiness of these photos are worth sharing. It was time to make a collage of pictures with pictures from my past and my parents' past. It would be something for the kids to appreciate.
"What's that, Mom?" Natalie pops her head into the open door when she sees me. wrist deep in photo boxes.
"I found some photos of my parents wedding. Would you like to see your grandparents and great-grandparents?" I motion to the boxes.
"Great idea, Mom!" Natalie gushes. "Leo and Edward probably have photos to make a whole family tree! Can you imagine asking Great-Grandma and the Gilhoughleys for older photos?"
That's why I love my daughter. Nat expands on my small projects and makes them bigger and better.
"What do you want for your birthday? How about Madison? Party? Dance? Movie night?"
"How about the cheeseburger pizzas and Disney movies that Natalie has been telling me about?" Madison shows up at my open door. "May I enter?"
"Yes, please!" I hold my arms out to hug Madison and show her the photos that we had found.
"Ooooo! Pictures!" I knew then that the three of us have a common project.
"Do you have baby pictures, Madi?" I hope someone had take an interest in her youth, since I wasn't there.
"I'm sure Mama Maria has what we need." Madison picks up the phone to call Danielle's mother.