One More Chance


I went to my Father's office after consoling Miss Bennett.

"Hello Dad. How are you" I greeted

"Hello son. I'm good. How are you" he replied and asked

"I'm good Dad" I replied

"What brings you here" he asked

"Dad why did you fire Miss Bennett" I asked

"She is very irresponsible and she doesn't know how to manage her time. She is almost always late. You know I don't like working with such people" he replied

"Dad we agreed to give her one month. Why are you changing your mind" I asked

My father didn't reply me. He just sat in his chair quietly. For the first time I realised he was nervous.

"Dad why are you nervous? Why aren't you answering me" I asked

My father got up from his seat and turned his back to me

"Son I can't work with her" he said

"B-b-bbb-but Dad" I tried to talk

"My decision is final Andrew" he said

I left his office and returned to Miss Bennett. I told her my father's decision. She run to my father's office and I followed.

"Mr Michael Anthony Craine, what kind of man are you? Why are you so heartless? You are mean and arrogant. I committed a mistake and I apologised for it so why are you doing this to me. Sir it's like you have hated me from day one. You never spoke to me in a right way. Sir please I really need this job. Please sir" she said while crying.

My father was still silent and he had his back facing Miss Bennett and I.

"Father please" I said

"Alright Miss Bennett I will give you one more chance but don't plead in front of people like the way you just did. You should always keep your head held up high and your dignity intact" my father told Miss Bennett.

"Sir thank you for giving me one more chance. From where I am from if you don't plead you don't get anything. If I loose this job, I might not be able to gather money for my education" Miss Bennett said

"Alright let's get back to work" my father said

I left them alone and returned to my office.


"Sir I am sorry for what I said. Please forgive me" I apologised

"Miss Bennett I told the other day that I hate the word SORRY" he said

"Alright sir" I replied smiling

I worked on some documents of a meeting he will be attending on Monday.

I returned to his office with the documents. I knocked and he responded. I entered and realised he was on the phone.

"Alright baby I love you too dear" he said

"Wow he really has a woman in his life" I said to myself. I was starring at him. He is so beautiful.

He cleared his throat. I looked away with embarrassment.

"Miss Bennett what can I do for you" he asked

I have even forgotten what brought me here.

"Sor... (He raised his eyes to me. I realised I almost said sorry) Sir please I am done with the document" I said

"Put it down" he said calmly

I placed it down on the desk.

"Sir please it's there anything else you want me to do" I asked

"Get me a cup of black coffee" he said

I went to the kitchen on our floor and prepared a cup. I returned and once again he was talking on the phone. For the first time I saw him smiling. He has the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.

"I love you baby. I'm busy so don't call me again. I will call you when I get home" he said with a happy face.

I placed the coffee on the table. He took a sip and looked at me for a while.

"Sir how is it" I asked nervously

He didn't reply. I left his office after a while.

It's been two weeks since I almost lost my job. Everything is now going on well. I am trying very hard not to make mistakes. I go to work on time and close very late because the boss gives me lots of work.