I Need My Man Back


Daniel led me to a large room. I saw lots of hospital machine. I turned and Mr Craine on a bed and doctors were attending to him.

"Daddy" I screamed

I was about to go near him but one of the doctors stopped me.

"Please let her go she is his girlfriend" Daniel said

"Sorry ma'am" the doctor said

I nodded slightly

I went near Mr Craine. He looked so pale and tired. I tried shaking him

"Ma'am he is unconscious" one doctor said

I walked to Daniel

"What happened to Mr Craine" I asked

"Relax Miss Bennett. You will know what happened soon" he said

I returned to Mr Craine's side

I sat near him and placed my head on his chest

"Daddy you can't be unconscious your baby girl needs you. Please get up" I said

I started crying

Someone entered the room

"Sir we know what the drugs and poison are" the person said

I got up

"What Mr Craine was poisoned" I asked looking at Daniel

"Yes" he confirmed

I cried out loud

"Brianna this is not the time to cry. Be strong. He will be fine" Daniel said

I nodded

I dried my tears and returned to Mr Craine. I moved his head and placed it on my laps. I started combing his perfect hair with my fingers.

"Daddy please be strong. Everything will be fine" I whispered to him

I heard Daniel talking to the doctors

"If you know the poison and the drugs, then you know the antidote" he said

"Yes sir but the antidote is not in this country" one doctor said

"Try and find the antidote as soon as possible" Daniel said

"Yes sir" the doctor replied

We were all quiet. I kept planting kisses on Mr Craine's forehead

"Miss Bennett it's getting late let me take you home" Daniel said

"No Daniel please let me be by his side. He and my mum are all I have" I said

"What about your studies" he said

"Daniel do you think I can study knowing that the man I love is in a life and death situation. Please let me be here. All I have to do is call mum" I said

I started looking for my phone. I couldn't find it

"Daniel I can't find my phone" I said

"I threw your phone away" he said

"Why" I asked

I was surprised

"I threw it away because I don't want us to be traced" he said

"Alright then please find a way for me to communicate with my mum" I said

"I will send some people to protect your mum so that nobody can harm her. They will start looking for you and they might go for your mother" he said

"Daniel you are scaring me. What is going on" I asked

"Please you will know everything soon" he said and walked out

An hour later, Daniel returned.

"How is he" he asked the doctors

"Daniel relax your father will be fine" the doctor said

"Huh! Daniel I thought you are his bodyguard. I didn't know you are his son" I said

I was shock

"Miss Bennett Mr Craine is my everything. He risked his life to save mine years ago. This is why he is my everything" he said

"Wow" I said

I kissed Mr Craine on his forehead. I removed the oxygen cup and kissed his lips.

"Brianna" he whispered

"Daddy yes it's me Brianna" I said emotionally

He opened his eyes and smiled but he closed his eyes again

"Doctor what is going on" I screamed

The doctors started checking on him.

I looked at Daniel and saw that he was emotional. I held Daniel's hand tightly.

After a while, the doctors placed back the oxygen cup.

"Jeffrey what happened" Daniel asked

"Daniel we need the antidote as soon as possible" the doctor said

" Daniel started moving around tensely. I felt so useless. Mr Craine has always been there for me. He has helped me a lot. He needs me right now and I couldn't do anything. I started crying again.

Someone walked in

"Sir please we found the antidote" he said

We all got up

"Really where" Daniel said

"Unfortunately it's a bit far. We found it in Germany sir" he said

"Alright Jeffrey I will arrange for you to go to Germany and return as soon as possible" Daniel said

"Will you be coming with us" Dr Jeffrey asked

"No I can't leave Miss Bennett and the boss alone. You have to go alone with some bodyguards and doctors" Daniel said

"Sir the antidote is very expensive" one doctor said

Something crossed my mind. I quickly went for my bag. I brought out the two cards Mr Craine gave me. I added my own card to them.

"Daniel they can use the money on these cards. Mr Craine has loaded lot of money on them" I said

"Miss Bennett this is for your education. I can't accept it" Daniel said

"Please Daniel I need my man back please just use the money. Once he recovers, I know he will load money on it again" I said

He nodded and took it. I wrote down every details they needed to be able to use the card. Daniel added two cards to them and gave it to Dr Jeffrey.

"Don't worry much I will pay for the expenses for the trip" Dr Jeffrey said

"I will arrange for you to take the jet" Daniel said

He turned to me

"I will be back" he said

I nodded.

They left. Three doctors were left behind to monitor Mr Craine.


My father has disappear. My informants are not able to trace him. They can't find Daniel either. Miss Bennett has also disappeared.

"What is going on" I asked myself

I called my bodyguard

"I need you to find Miss Bennett's mother. She might know where her slut of a daughter is. If she is not willing to talk, beat her, rape her do anything you have to do for her to open her mouth. Send some men with you" I instructed

I gave him Miss Bennett's home address

"Yes sir" he replied and left

I went home after a while.

I sat in my father's chair and I felt like an Emperor. Patrick walked in

"Andy what are you doing? Why are you in dad's seat" he asked angrily

"I will get rid of this buffoon as soon as I take over the Empire" I said to myself

"Andrew I am talking to you" he said

I lit up a cigar and started smoking

"You have no respect Patrick. You are talking to the heir of Empire Group. If you want to keep enjoying everything you will have to respect me" I said

"Stop dreaming Andrew. You will never take over from Dad" he said

He didn't wait for a reply. He left

I got a phone call

"Has she told you where her daughter is" I asked

"S-s-sir please Miss Bennett's mother has disappear. She has move out of her house" my bodyguard said

"What" I shouted

"This is impossible. Find her" I shouted

I hang up the call.

"Where the hell is my father. If I don't find him soon, all my work will be nothing. I called our doctor

"Hello Dr Simon has my father been there" I asked

"No Mr Craine" he replied

"Listen to me carefully my father has disappear. Please do everything possible to find him. He might be in on of the hospitals. Dr Simon you and I know that my father can't discover that his cancer is fake. He can't also know that we have been feeding him poison and bad drugs" I said

"Alright sir" he replied

I disconnected the call and went to my room.