I Don't Like Pretending



I arrived at the secret place where I was supposed to meet her.

"Hello" I greeted

"Hi" she responded

"It's been years. How are you" I asked

"I'm good" she said

I smiled

"Why did you call me here" she said

"Let me get straight to the point. Have you been hearing news about my father? He's been in the news and he has become the most powerful man in the country. Tell me something don't you wish to be with him again" I asked

"Your father will never ever accept me in his life and you know it. I slept with his friend and also left him for a rich man. If you were in his shoes would you have allowed me back in to your life" she asked

"Well it depends but that doesn't answer my question. Do you wish to have him back" I asked

"Well with the kind of money he has and everything of course I will love to be in his life again" she said

"Good. I will help you with that" I said

"You" she asked

I nodded

"Why do you want to help a woman who broke your father's heart" she asked

"Let's just say I want to help my father" I said

"Nah Andrew I don't buy that bullshit story. Tell me exactly what you want in exchange for your help" she said

"You are very smart" I said

"That doesn't answer my question" she said

"I want you to be his again in exchange for his wealth" I said

"What" she shouted

"Yes Yolanda. I want you to help me get his wealth" I said

"Are you crazy" she said

"No Yolanda, I want you to separate my father from her current girlfriend, search for his properties documents and other things" I said

"If I give you those things, Michael will be poor so it will be meaningless for me to be with him. Moreover he has grown old I don't think he will be able to give me a good fuck" she said

I smiled

"I will give you thirty percent of his wealth and don't worry about sex because I will be fucking you" I said

She smiled

"Well let's make it fifty fifty" she said

"No Yolanda. Thirty fifty along with entire life of good sex" I said

I got up and went closer to her

"Think carefully about it Yolanda (I placed my hand in her dress and started playing with her nipples) thirty percent of wealth Michael's wealth is enough for you to live a luxurious lifestyle for the rest of your life" I said

Soon she started moaning. I fucked her really hard.

"Oh my goodness I haven't had good sex for a long time" she said

I got up and started dressing

"So are you in with me" I asked

She got up and kissed me

"What is the plan" she said

"Good. I want you to pretend to have had a son for him years ago" I said

"Why" she asked

"Because that old fool wants an heir and he will easily be convinced by someone like you" I said

"So do you have someone in mind who will be my son" she asked

I nodded

"Alright then Andrew let do it" she said


I heard a knock on my door and I responded. The door opened and it was on of my workers.

"Good morning sir" he greeted

"Good morning. Do you have news for me" I asked

"Sir please nothing to report" he said

"What do you mean by that" I asked

"Sir your father and Daniel have been busy with office work and nothing new. Your father's girlfriend is at school" he said

"You mean Daniel is doing nothing? He is just following my father around" I asked

"Yes sir" he replied

"The only thing is that your father doesn't go home often" he said

"That is not new. He sometimes sleep in his office" I said

He stood there quietly

"It's good that we used the blood group as our trump card else my father would have demanded for DNA test. Thankfully Daniel isn't snooping around like always this means I am winning now all I have to do is make sure Michael and Brianna break up and I have to make sure Yolanda succeeds in seducing him" I said to myself

My phone rang and the caller was Yolanda. I dismissed my informant

"Hello Yolanda" I said

"Hi handsome when are we meeting" she asked

"Soon" I said

"Alright" she said

"Tell me it's there any progress with Michael" I asked

"No" she said bluntly

"Why" I shouted

"Boy you better come down" she shouted back

"Alright sorry" I said

"Your father doesn't come home regularly but don't worry I will figure something out" she said

"Alright let's meet tonight" I said

"Alright handsome" she replied

I hanged up

"It seems Michael Anthony Craine doesn't suspect a thing. Now I will do what I want. Iwill be meeting him at my wedding this weekend so I have to behave and pretend" I said to myself

I laughed at the thought of getting everything from Michael.


This weekend is Andrew's wedding and I have to be there. I made all the arrangements a father is supposed to do for his son's wedding.

Someone entered my office in a rush. I looked up and it was Daniel

"Fool you scared me" I shouted

"Sorry Boss" he said

"What is going on" I asked

"Yolanda and Andrew have agreed to meet tonight. I will have someone follow them and I will try and gather more information" he said

"Alright" I said

"Boss please can you send Yolanda to Andrew's wedding" he said

"What! No I won't" I replied immediately

"Sir please I want you to pretend like you and Miss Bennett are on the edge of breaking up and I will handle the rest" he said

"Dan are you high" I asked

"No sir" he replied

"Boy you know I don't like pretending" I said

"Sir you have been pretending for years now. If that foolish boy knew who you are, he wouldn't be doing this and I wouldn't be asking you to pretend" he said

"What about Brianna? If my baby girl finds out about this, she will be left heart broken" I said

"No sir. I won't allow that to happen" he said

"Alright Daniel but if anything happens, I will beat you black and blue" I said

"Nothing will happen to me or Miss Bennett but something will definitely happen to you" he said

"What the heck are you talking about" I asked

He didn't reply me. He just laughed and walked out.

I arrived home and saw Yolanda sitting in the living room with the boy

"Welcome Dad" he said

I nodded

"Yolanda Saturday is my son Andrew's wedding and I want you to come with me" I said

She quickly jumped up with excitement

"Of course Michael I will come with you" she said.

I had dinner with them and went to my room.

Brianna and I spoke for a while but she slept off the moment I wanted to tell her about Daniel's plan.

The next day, I came downstairs to meet Yolanda in the kitchen. She looked almost naked. She slowly walked to me.

"Sorry I didn't know you will come early" she said

I nodded and walked passed her.

I went to the kitchen and prepared my breakfast myself because it was too early for the servants of wake up.

"Michael will Brianna be okay with me going to the wedding with you" she asked

I was about to reply when I remembered what Daniel said.

"I don't care if she is okay or not. I want to go with you. That is final" I replied

"Alright" she said

She came closer to and bend a bit. I saw her breasts which I have always found them unattractive but I never told her.

"Michael thank you" she said

I nodded.

I left for the office soon.

Daniel and I went to my office to talk.

"Boss Andrew is sleeping with Yolanda" he said

I got shocked. I had to spit out the coffee in my mouth

"How did you find that out" I asked

"Last night they met at a hotel room" he said

"That doesn't mean anything Dan" I said

He was quiet. I looked at him for a while and I realised exactly what he has done

"Daniel did you fuck a waitress to get access to the room of Yolanda and Andrew" I asked

He was still quiet. I started laughing

"I did it for you and you are laughing" he said

I couldn't control my laughter

"Boy did you use a condom" I asked

He nodded

"Oh my goodness I can't wait to see Mrs Bennett's face when she comes to know you are a womanizer" I said while laughing

"Please don't tell her" he said

"Of course I won't" I said

He sat down

"Dan thank you" I said

"Dad don't start with your old age emotions" he said

I chuckled

"I am not that old Dan. I am dating a woman who is half my age and she tells me I am good in bed" I said

We both started laughing.

Finally it's Andrew's wedding today and I arrived with Daniel, Yolanda and the boy.

I walked with Andrew to the aisle. The ceremony started as soon as the bride arrived. The ceremony ended exactly two hours later. Soon we arrived at the wedding reception. I walked with Yolanda. At the entrance the media started questioning who she was and the whereabouts of Brianna. With the help of Daniel, I ignored them and entered. Soon the ceremony started. I sat at a table with Yolanda and my kids. Everything was going well except for the fact that Kathy, Ariana and Patrick were asking about Brianna. I felt uncomfortable but I was calm.

We dinner and the couple danced.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and the person I saw made me petrified.