Yolanda Is Finally Out Of My Life


I drove home quickly. I couldn't contain my excitement. Finally Yolanda will be out of my house. I called Brianna.

"Hey baby girl" I said

"How is big daddy" she asked

"Silly girl you are just concern about your big daddy" I said with a frown

"If I don't get worried about what is mine, who else will" she said

I laughed hard

"Baby girl thanks to Daniel, I am going to kick out Yolanda and my fake son" I said

"Really daddy" she asked

"Yes baby. Come home and let's have sex. I really need your ass" I said

She chuckled

"Daddy you have become very naughty in my company" she said

"Crazy girl I will see you soon" I said

"Bye daddy" she said

"Bye baby" I said

I arrived home. I entered and asked the maid to call Yolanda and the boy.

"Hi Michael" Yolanda said

"Hello Dad" the boy said

"I want you out of my house right now" I said

"What" the boy said

"Why Michael? I thought you said you wanted to give us another chance" she said

"No I never wanted this. I knew you were lying right from the beginning but I needed to buy time to get to the bottom of your conspiracy (they both gasped. They had a shocking look on their faces) now I have gotten all the evidences I need. I know he(I pointed to the boy) is not my son. I also know that you are sleeping with Andrew. Yolanda you haven't changed a bit. Pack and leave my house now" I said

She knelt down and started crying. I knew she was faking

"Michael please forgive me. It was your son Andrew's idea. He wants to get hold of your wealth and he also wants to separate you and your girlfriend. Please forgive me. I still love you" she said

"You bitch there is no way I will allow you near my man"

We heard someone. We all turned and saw Brianna. She walked to me and kissed me passionately

"I-i-i thought you two broke up" Yolanda said

"Your mind is as small as your conspiracies. Do you think I would leave my man because of you" Brianna said

"So you two were just acting" Yolanda asked

"Of course there is no way I will leave my big daddy because of you" she said

I looked at her shockingly

"Big Daddy" Yolanda asked

"That is not important. What is important is that you leave this house with your fake son" I said

"Michael please forgive me" Yolanda said

I couldn't control myself anymore. I called the guards to throw them out. The guards forcefully dragged Yolanda out.

"Finally Daddy we can be together" Brianna said

"Yes baby we are finally together" I said

"Daddy I hope we can overcome every obstacle that will come our way. I love you and everyday I fell in love with you more" she said

"Baby girl I love you too and I hope we stay together till I die" I said

"Alright daddy if you die I will cut big daddy from your body because he is all I care" she said

"Really" I asked

She nodded

I slapped her ass and she screamed

"Get ready because I will fuck you senselessly tonight" I said

"Well with how you punished me last night, I am now ready for any surprise from you" she said

I chuckled.

We had our dinner and retired to our room. We made love, had sex and fucked the entire night.

I took Brianna to school for the first time the next day

I went to the office and met Daniel. He looked at bit worried

"Daniel what is going on" I asked

"Sir you need to leave the country for an official duty and it will take a long time" he said

"Can't Richardson handle it" I asked

"No sir Richardson isn't smart for this work" he said

"What about Andrew" I asked

"Sir for now he is busy dealing with his marriage and his company is crumbling so he has a lot on his hand" he said

"Daniel how can I leave Brianna here" I asked

"Sir don't worry we will be able to track her movements and if anything happens, we will know" he said

"Alright get everything ready. I will go and meet her" I said

I drove to Brianna's school and called her to meet me.

"Daddy are you okay why the urgency" she asked

"Brianna I have to leave the country for some work" I said

"Daddy when will you come back" she asked

"I can't tell you for now but I promise to call you whenever I get the chance" I said

I saw her getting sad

"Baby don't be sad. Please concentrate on your studies and work hard for me. I want you to take over the group as I leave. I will appoint someone to help you with the work. I promise to come back to you as soon as possible" I said

"I will miss you" she said

"Me too baby" I said

I kissed her like there was no tomorrow. I stayed with her for a while and left.

Hours later, Daniel and I together with my team left the country.


I don't know how my father managed to get to know my plans. How on earth did these things happen. My marriage is broken and for some reason my company is on the verge of crumbling. What the heck is going on.

"I don't know how Michael found out. He even did a DNA test without our knowledge. I have to admit your father is smarter than you thought" Yolanda said

"I can't believe this" I said

"Andrew please just accept defeat and go ask your father to forgive you" Yolanda said

"No, never. I won't accept defeat" I shouted

I picked the phone and called one of my workers.

"Find out what Michael Anthony Craine is doing of late" I said and hanged up

I gave some money to Yolanda and asked her to leave for now.

Three days later, my guard called to inform me that Michael Anthony Craine has left the country along with Daniel. I asked who took over the company and his reply shocked me.

"What! That bitch has taken over the group" I asked

"Yes sir. She is running the company with one of the workers" he said

I hanged up without saying anything again

"I can't believe Brianna Bennett is now the CEO of the Empire Group.

It's time for me to get rid of her.


Mr Craine has left such a huge responsibility for me. Thankfully the person he chose for me was good to me. He taught me certain things I didn't know. It was like a practical work for what I have been studying. Mr Craine and I have spoken only once since he left. I really miss him but my studies and work keeps me busy.