Mr Craine Is My Guardian Angel


I woke up and saw that I was the only one in the room. I went to the washroom and had my bath. After bathing I took one of Mr Craine's big shirts from his closet and placed it on. I went out of the room and saw my mum seated in the living room.

"Good morning mum" I said

"It's good afternoon dear" she said

"Ooooooh I didn't know I have been sleeping for that long" I said

"How are you dear" she said

"I'm good mum. How are you" I said

"I'm good too. Thanks to Mr Craine we are safe from that rascal" she said

"Yes Mum. Mr Craine is the best in my world. He is my guardian angel" I said

"Well from everything that has been happening ever since he came in to our lives, I have come to realise that he is indeed an angel. I never thought I will say this. Anna you made the right decision when it came to Mr Craine" she said

"Thank you mum" I replied emotionally

"Let me get you something to eat" she said

"I will help"I said

"Don't worry dear. Your boyfriend alright prepared something for you. All I have to do is warm it for you" she said

"Alright mum" I replied

I followed her to the kitchen. She placed the food in the microwave and returned to me.

"Mum what do you think Mr Craine will do to his children" I asked

"Well I have been thinking of the same. I wonder what he will do. He seemed very hurt yesterday" mum said

"Mum I don't want to be the reason for Mr Craine to end things with his children" I said

"My dear don't worry. Concentrate on being the woman he needs in his life" she said

"Alright mum" I replied

Soon my food was done and I ate the entire food. I was really hungry. Andrew and Ivana didn't feed us properly and last night instead of asking for food, I asked for big daddy. Mum and I returned to the living room.

"Mum where are you" I asked

"I think we are in Mr Craine's penthouse" she said

"Mum I have been to his penthouse and this is not it" I said

"Well let's wait for your man to come" she said

I giggled. I loved it when she said"Your Man".

We chatted randomly for a while.


I arrived at the penthouse saw Brianna sleeping on the couch. I quickly took her to the bedroom to sleep. I returned and called out Mrs Bennett. She was in the kitchen.

"Hello ma'am" I greeted

"Eunice" she said

"Pardon" I said

"My first name is Eunice and you can call me by my first name" she said

"Alright Eunice" I said

"Can I call you Michael" she asked

"Yes you can" I said

I went for an apron and started helping her.

"Michael thank you for always being there for my daughter. Thank you for everything" she said

"Eunice I think I am the one who is supposed to be thanking you for allowing your daughter to come into my life. Thank you very much" I said

"Michael what about you children. Anna is worried that she will be the reason for any grievance" she said

"Eunice, my children have been after my life even before Brianna entered my life. Andrew has been after my wealth and Ivana wanted to be more than a daughter to me. I didn't know they had such dirty minds to do what they did" I said

"I am sorry that your children did these" she said

I smiled sadly

After preparing the food, we placed them on the dinning table. I went to Brianna. I woke her up and brought to the dinning table. Daniel also joined and we all had our dinner.

Brianna and I returned to the bedroom. We both took our shower and retired to bed.

"Brianna can I ask you a question" I asked

"Yes daddy" she replied

"Baby girl have you ever thought of your mum starting a new life" I asked

"I haven't thought of it" she answered

"Brianna if you get married one day your mum will be alone. She is already alone. You are always in school, at work or with me. She needs someone in her life. She has to be happy" I said

"You are right about that. I will talk to her" she said

"Alright dear" I replied

She started kissing my neck then she moved to my lips. I accepted her lips and we started kissing.

"Daddy make love to me so that I can sleep better" she said

I did exactly that. I made love to in several positions till she got tired and she slept off. I went to my study.

Memories started flashing in my mind. I remembered the first time I saw Andrew. I remembered he was sitting by a road side and he was looking dirty. I went to him and chatted with him for a while. I loved him from that very moment. I remembered how I bought him home and gave him my surname. I can't believe that innocent child has grown up to be a beast. He bit the finger that fed him.

A knock brought me out of my thoughts. I responded and the door was opened. It was Daniel.

"Dad I am done with everything. Do I realised them" he asked

"Not yet. Realise them after some few days. Have you injected Ivana with the substance" I asked

"Yes. It will start working soon" he replied

"Realise Ivana. She will cause a scandal on her own" I said

"Alright. What about Harry and Max" he asked

"Hand them over to the police. Make sure they sent to life imprisonment or till I change my mind" I said

"Alright sir" he said

"Dan what did you do to those girls who were after Brianna some months ago" I asked

"They are still in prison boss" he said

"Good. From today nobody will hurt Brianna and her mother" I said

"You are right" Daniel replied

Something crossed my mind

"Daniel I need you to investigate Mrs Bennett's late husband" I said

"Why" he asked

"The other day Brianna mentioned to me about her father's company. We need to get it back for them" I said

"Alright sir" I said.

Three days later, Brianna and her mother returned to their house and so did Daniel and I. I was in my study when Daniel arrived.

"I have realised Andrew" he said

"Alright" I replied

"Oh and I made some enquires and investigations on the Bennetts. What I found will shock you" he said

"What is it" I asked

"Miss Bennett's father is alive. He is actually married with three kids. His name is Nicholas Blankson" Daniel said

"What" I said

"That is right. I was also shocked when I discovered this" Daniel said

"Really! What is going on? Brianna told me that her father died when she was young. His family took away everything they had" I said

"There must be something Mrs Bennett is not telling us" Daniel said

"Let's talk to her without Brianna knowing. We have to get to the root of this matter. Keep gathering more information about them" I said

"Alright boss" Daniel replied

We chatted further and he left.