

It was an emotional journey for me as I travelled back to where my life began. Everything kept coming to my mind. I remembered how the young me saw my mother lying on the road almost lifeless. I remembered how she died. I felt weak. Thankfully Brianna was with me. I felt happy when I got to the mansion and saw my children there. I also felt fulfilled when I realised that my children are beginning to warm up with Brianna. We settled down and everyone picked a room. I didn't want to share a room with Brianna since her mother was around but she insisted on sharing a room with me. Daniel and I prepared dinner. Brianna and Ariana served everyone on the dinning table. After eating we sat in the living room to chat.

"Dad please show us a picture of our grandma" Ariana said

"Yes Dad we will like to see a pic of her" Kathy said

I nodded and got up. I went upstairs and entered a room. The room was filled with my mother's memories. This is the first time I was looking at my mother's pictures. Memories of her kept coming to my mind. I looked around the room and remembered every picture. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and it was Daniel. He hugged me and he began to cry.

"Hey why are you crying" I asked

"Dad I can't bear the pain you are going through" he said

"I will be fine" I said

"I hope Miss Bennett's idea was right. I hope you will be fine and surpass the pain after this trip" he said

I nodded. He hugged me again.

I picked one of the pictures and went downstairs with him. I showed the picture to everyone

"Wow Dad your mum was very beautiful" Ariana said

"Dad you have grandma's eyes" Kathy added

"Now I know why you are so beautiful" Brianna whispered

I smiled

"Dad please what about grandpa" Patrick asked

"I never knew my father" I said

Kathy run in to my arms.

"Dad even though you lost your mother and never knew your father, you took us in, cared and loved us. Thank you Dad" she said

I kissed her forehead. The rest of them run and hugged me. I looked at Daniel and signaled him to come and join.

We chatted for a while and we retired to our rooms.

I took a shower with Brianna.

"Are you doing alright Daddy" Brianna asked

"Yes I am" I said calmly

I placed my head on her chest. She started combing my hair with her fingers. It reminded me of my mother. I closed my eyes and slept off.


Knock knock

I lazily opened my eyes when I heard someone knocking. Mr Craine was sleeping. I got up and opened the door. Mr Craine's children quickly entered the room.

"Hey easy your Dad is sleeping" I said

They acted like they didn't hear. They run to him and woke him up.

"They act so childishly" I said to myself

"Dad please get up" Kathy shouted

Mr Craine opened his eyes lazily

"Happy birthday Dad" they all shouted

Mr Craine smiled.

"Thank you" he said

I looked in to his eyes and realised that he has been crying.

"What are we doing today" Patrick asked

"Everyone get ready. We are going to visit your grandma" I said

Mr Craine looked at me surprisingly. I smiled at him

"Ariana get the flowers ready" I said

She nodded

They got out of the room

"Bri....(I smiled and stopped him from talking)

"Daddy it been thirty three years since you visited her. Please she will be happy if you visit her today" I said

"Brianna she is dead" he said with tears in his eyes.

"Yes she is but I know deep down in your heart she is alive there. Don't be an ungrateful son please visit her. I wish I know where my father was buried so that I could visit him at least twice a year" I said

He hugged me tightly. We got up and got ready. In an hour later, we arrived at the cemetery. Daniel lead us to where Mr Craine's mother was buried. MELISSA CRAINE was plated on the grave.

"Mr Craine's mother was called Melissa" I said to myself

I held Mr Craine's hand. Mr Craine went forward and knelt down

"Hello mum. I am sorry for being an ungrateful son. I am sorry because of me you died untimely. Thank you for your love and care. Sorry for abandoning you. I love you and I will keep loving you" he said

He got up and held my hand.

"Mum this is Brianna Bennett the woman of my life. She brought me here and made me realise my mistake of being ungrateful to you. I hope you can accept and bless us" he said

"Hello mum. Thank you for giving birth to a great man. Because of your greatness I got an amazing man for myself. Thank you very much" I said

"Hello grandma. This is my name is Patrick. Please meet Kathy, Ariana and August. We are your grandchildren. Actually we are some of your grandchildren. There are more and you will meet them one day" Patrick said

We placed the flowers on the grave.

"Rest In Peace mum" Mr Craine said

We left the cemetery after a while. We arrived home soon. My mum and I baked a cake and decorated the house. We sang a birthday song for Mr Craine and he cut the cake and we fed each other. We prepared a lot of food for lunch. Mr Craine, Daniel and l left the house after lunch because Mr Craine said he had something to do.

We arrived at a traditional house. We entered the house. There were some old men and women there

"Hello" Mr Craine greeted

"Hello" they responded

They offered us some chairs to sit.

"How may we be of help to you" one of the women asked

"I am Michael Craine. Thirty three years ago, a woman was living in this village and she died after getting involved in an accident. She was knocked down by a truck. Her name was Melissa Craine and she was my mother" Mr Craine said

The people sat quietly for a while.

"I remember that a woman used to prepare food for the children of the village whenever it was her son's birthday. Please it's she the one" another woman said

"Yes she is the one" Mr Craine said

"Oh my God you are all grown up and you have become very successful" a man said

Mr Craine smiled without saying anything

"What brings you here" one man asked

"Sir today is exactly thirty three years since my mother died and this is the first time I have visited the village. I came here to offer this to you to help you develop the village" he said

Daniel gave a suitcase to them. They opened it. It was full of money. They were surprised

"Thank you very much Mr Craine. You have done a good and this proves that you have your mother's heart" one woman said

"Thank you too because I remember all of you came together to help me bury my mother. I will never forget everything" Mr Craine said

"Where were you all these years" another woman asked

Mr Craine told them about how he survived after his mother's death and everything they needed to know. We left after a while.

We arrived home and partied for a while. Mr Craine and I retired to bed early.

"Hello dear" a woman greeted

"Hi ma'am please can I help you" I asked

"You are very beautiful" she said

I went closer to her. She looked familiar

"Please who are you" I asked

She smiled. Her smile was very beautiful

"I am Melissa" she said

"I am....( She didn't wait for me to finish)

"You are Brianna" she said

"How come you know me" I asked

"I knew you from the day you entered my son's life" she said

I went closer to her.

"Thank you for bringing my son back home and bringing my him to me. Please keep making him happy" she said

I smiled when I realised who she was talking about

"I promise to love him and make him happy forever" I said

"I know you will. I hope you can give him a child" she said

"I will" I replied.


"Hello Mike" she said

"Mum" I shouted excitedly

I went to her and hugged her happily.

"Michael I can't believe it took you thirty three years to come and see me. You didn't do well" she said

"Mum I am very sorry. I felt guilty. It was because of me that you died" I said

"No my son don't blame yourself. It wasn't your fault" she said

"Mum I miss you very much" I said

"I miss you too son. You have really improved yourself. You girlfriend is very beautiful. I hope you can get married soon and give me grandchildren" she said

"Mum sometimes I think I am too old to fulfill that" I said

"Michael my dear, this your chance to be happy so you need grab it. Brianna is very beautiful and she loves you very much. She wouldn't mind leaving her dreams to fulfill yours. You have a good woman. Marry her" mum said

"Alright mum" I smiled and hugged her

"I love you Mum" I said

"I love you too and never forget that" she said

I woke up and looked around. I realised it was a dream. I looked at Brianna who was smiling in her sleep.

"Baby girl" I called her

She opened her eyes and smiled


"Your mum"

We both said it at the same time

"You go first" I said

She smiled

"Your mum appeared in my dreams" she said

"She appeared in mine too" I said

She hugged me tightly

"What did she tell you" I asked

"That is none of your business" she said jokingly

"Alright then" I said

"What did she tell you" she asked

"That is none of my business" I replied

We both burst into laughter

"Daddy I love you" she said

"I love you too baby girl" I replied

I kissed her and she responded. U made love to her for the rest of the night.

The next morning I went downstairs and saw Mrs Bennett in the kitchen alone

"Good morning Eunice" I greeted

"Good morning Michael" she responded

I realised that we were alone so I decided to talk to her about Brianna's father.

"Eunice we need to talk" I said

"About what" she asked

"About Brianna's father" I replied

She suddenly got nervous and I realised it

"Wwwwwhat do you mean? He is dead" she said

"Eunice I know he is alive and so does Daniel" I said

"H-h-how" she asked

I was about to talk when I heard my children's voices so I stopped

"We will continue this later or some other time" I said.

We had our breakfast and got ready to return to the city.