Kidnapping pervert

Alex sighed heavily, his normal calm expression shadowed with worry , confirming what Jackson just said.

"And you have guessed right .A lot of people humans and vampires won't be happy with a half blood ruling the whole country."

Jackson leaned back in his chair, he took a big puff of his cigar ,blowing a cloud of heavy gray smoke into the air that swirled above his head. Offering his brother some sound advice "Alex just take one problem at a time ,the whole country thinks you're a fucking kidnapper right now"

Alex shook his head,rubbing his forehead with his palm. All that crap about him kidnapping Lexi was giving him a headache. He thought there could be some sort of scandal,maybe a rumor about him and Lexi having a secret love affair when they left the hotel together . Now that would be something he could work with, spinning it into their favor by creating a story of how they have been secretly dating.But never in his wildest dreams did he ever think he would be accused of kidnapping her .

He chuckled ." Well I don't need to worry about going to jail. I picked Lexi up at Whitley Castle and the whole family came to the car to watch her leave ."

Jackson cocked a brow,coming right out and asking "Has King Charles ever given you or Lexi a hard time about you being a vampire?"

A sly smile curled on Alex's lips , he chuckled "I ask Lexi to marry me during a conference call with King Charles."

A loud peal of laughter filled the air in the office "What the fuckin hell Alex." Jackson shouted

Amused by Jackson's reaction , he grinned "I just found the right ring ,so I'm going to propose to her tonight at the restaurant ,On my knee like I should have the first time."

Jackson's eyes widened , "Wow ! You have a death wish , mother is going to kill you."

Unaffected by Jackson's comment , Alex tilted his head slightly ,questioning ." Why should she? Lexi is everything she wants in a daughter-in-law,right?"

Jackson Pondered his brother's question , he lifted his brows ,He smirked ".Your right, almost Alex. "The Princess is almost ,everything mother wants for you. She's beautiful, kind , her people love her , hell even the media loves her . She's a Crown Princess who will someday hold the same power as you. She's perfect for you Alex. But.... "his voice trailed off a bit ,

"You know how mother is."

Amused by Jackson's words , Alex grinned "Your right Lexi is perfect for me . And I don't care what mother thinks."

"Alex you know mother will throw a fit, she's not the same anymore. She has never got over the betrayal." Jackson reminded him.

"I know ,but she needs to realize it's not every humans fault. It's been twenty years, Walter and all those thugs he was associated with are dead. I ripped their sorry heads off and set their bloody bodies on fire." Alex replied calmly, as if he just said it's sunny outside. "Anyway why do you think I'm taking her to her favorite restaurant ?"Alex ask smugly.

Jackson thought about what Alex just said and realized , his sly brother had a good plan ." Good thinking Alex ." he replied, tapping his temple with his index finger "She would never want anyone to see her have a melt down, she's to prim and proper for that."But you know she's going to go crazy because Lexi's a human."

"Jackson it's like you said Lexi is everything mother could ever ask for in a daughter-in-law." He shrugged,"She has no reason not to like Lexi. And once she meets Lexi she will see how sweet and kind she is."

Alex brought his hand up to count on his fingers all the good points of his future wife. and continued to praise her. " First of all, Mother can't bitch about a Royal Blood line . The Whitley Royal blood line dates back just as far as the Eddington Royal blood line. And the second reason being, She can't say Lexi is a malevolent little harlot. Because Lexi has absolutely nothing to gain by marrying me .And third , as far as being a little harlot , I took Lexi on her first date. " Alex tilted his head slightly and raised his dark brows "So tell me ,what does she have to bitch about?"

"Your right Alex anything she could say is just going to sound haughty and disrespectful .Lexi's a little beauty, with a distinguished Royal bloodline and a flawless reputation.

"Alex puffed on his cigar blowing a large cloud of gray smoke into the air,smugly reminding Jackson about the latest scandal "You see who the media threw under the bus,it wasn't the sweet little princess, it was me."

Jackson narrowed his eyes, his lips curled into a wicked smile , as he realized what Alex just said is exactly what happened. All the News Reporters bad mouthed Alex ,not Lexi.He leaned back a little, shaking his head in agreement. "What a sneaky bastard you are Alex , mother will never be able to come up with anything against Lexi. If Lexi wasn't the Crown Princess the head line above that picture of her coming out of a hotel with you ,would have said", holding his hands in the air forming imagery quotation marks "Princess spreads legs to become Queen."

Alex winked with a little clic of his tongue "You catch on quick little brother "

"But Alex, I'm still going to dinner with you, just to see the look on mother's face. And you will need my help to protect the Princess "

"I don't think anything will happen tonight, remember I'm still a kidnapping pervert right now , but your welcome to come anyway ." Alex reminded him of his current status. He then became serious , he took a deep breath asking Jackson for help. " However this weekend I need you to go camping with me and Lexi .Because after tomorrow when I make the announcement ,all hell could break loose."

"Why the hell are you going camping after you announce your engagement? Jackson curiously ask, stating the obvious."Alex thats going to be dangerous."

"Because I have already told Lexi we could go ,and I wasn't planning on announcing the engagement so soon. Actually I had planned to take Lexi out to a few restaurants in town and maybe some of the local events so that the public would get used to seeing us together. And after our relationship gained favor from the majority of the people, I had planned to propose

in a public place."

" Sorry that didn't work out, anyway where are we going camping?"Jackson ask curiously, not really liking the idea of being a tag-along on some boring campaign trip.

"Down by crystal lake , don't worry I have been doing some improvements there.

It's not going to be like when dad took us when we were kids." Alex assured him.

Alex walked over to the door holding it open. "I guess we need to head over to the council meeting now. "

"Alex I have tennis clothes on ."Jackson reminded him.

"I set the dress code, who the fuck is going to say anything?"

Jackson stood and followed Alex through the castle towards the Council meeting room. He mopped behind looking a little board, he was hoping to get out of that damm council meeting. He was just tired of hearing all those old vampires bitch and whine about the same old shit.

As they walked down the long hallway, Alex glanced over his shoulder,asking for another favor."Tonight can you pick up mother and bring her to Centrell's ? If you get there before me just tell Ray you're waiting on me and we will order when I get there."