Loved deeply

Scrunching her brows together, she muttered " just tell me, what she said."

"Okay babe, the witch said that your father was a." pausing a moment to take a deep breath, then he quickly blurted it out "a demon."

"A WHAT! " she shouted stunned and shaken up.

"Babe, Babe calm down, that's what the witch said." He told her, rubbing calming circles on her shoulders.

"Bu...But.. what do you mean, a demon like the devil?" She mummers in a shaky small voice.

Lexi reached forward,taking her hand "Karmen whatever you are just remember Alex and Jackson are part that too. And we love you."Reminding her of what Jackson had told her earlier.

"Babe, we don't really know if that's the truth, all we do know is the witch believed what she was telling us to be the truth. We do know that for sure. Alex compelled her to tell us everything she knows. The reason we are here in the library is to search through my grandmother's books. I'm sure they will give us the information we're looking for."

Gawking at the abundance of classical, historic ,distinguished works of literature

With a devastating , hopeless look on her face she muttered "this could take forever look at all these books."

"Babe it's going to be okay Lexi and Alex have volunteered to help us tonight" he said with his words coming out promising as he pulled her closer putting a soft kiss on her forehead.

Alex even tried to cheer her up " Karmen what ever you happen to be can't be that bad .You seem to enjoy your new abilities. And the way you use them is totally up you. Some of mine could be used to destroy things and kill people, but I choose to use them in a positive way most of the time."

" Did you get those destructive abilities from your grandmother?" She ask Alex pouting a little while leaning her head against Jackson chest.

Alex chuckled, His words were gently and confining " No, Karmen I didn't get any of my abilities from my grandmother, their all Eddington abilities Jackson has them to, but he hasn't ever used most of his."

Jackson lowered his eyes to look into her's with a chipper optimistic attitude "Babe are you ready to get started it shouldn't take very long to find what we are looking for, I put all these books up myself."

" What do you think we should look for, Did your grandmother know both her real parents. Maybe she was like me and didn't know what she was ether. " her babbling now sounded like nonsense to everyone.

Jackson pulled her chin up to look at him as he spoke " Babe are you absolutely sure you really want to know what you are. I'm sure my grandmother knew her real parents, she was a Princess. And I remember where I put all her personal journals and diaries." He waited patiently for her to answer him before he continued.

"Yeah I want to know, I'm just a little nervous that's all " she said , sounding a little more composed and confident about what she wanted.

Okay Baby , Grandmother kept both a journal and a diary, in her journals she would write about things that happened to everyone around her, her maids, people she met at balls, festivals and soirées stuff like that. In her diaries she would write more personal things. Like what her and grandfather had done together. Or about things grandfather gave her." Patting her thigh to stand up he stalked over to a lower shelf on the back wall of the library and pointed to some beautiful brown leather embossed journals with brass locks on them. "We can start here with all of the old Journals first. Some of them grandmother brought with her when she married grandfather. They may have some important information in them." Pulling out the first four on the shelf he handed everyone a journal as they all gathered around the table.

Lexi opened the journal Jackson handed her reading the date on the first page out loud

"January -01 -1984" Alex pulled his head up with a big smile " Sweetheart turn the pages over to January 15th and read what my grandmother wrote on that day to me."

She flipped the pages in the Journal to the 15th glanced over the page finally realizing why Alex wanted to know what his grandmother had written in her Journal that day, she snuggled her back against him and held the Journal up so that he could see reading the page out loud for him.

{January -15-1984

It's all ready eleven thirty at night and this is my first entry . It's been a very long day After fourteen hours of labor my gorgeous strong daughter-n- law gave birth to my first grandchild . A beautiful healthy baby boy ,Crown Prince Alexander Hayden Eddington ,8 pounds and 2 ounces with a powerful set of lunges. What a wonderful feeling it is to hold your first grandchild. I'm exhausted but I can't express how much joy I'm feeling right now. Now that everything is quite in the castle ,I guess this proud grandmother can finally get a little rest.}

" OH, how sweet." Lexi gushed,Glancing over at Karmen asking "Does that sound like it was written by a someone bad, no matter what species she was, she loved deeply."