Wedding Rehearsal Part 2

"Alright,Princess Alexis as the star of our show it's time for you and your father to walk down the aisle."

She glanced up at King Charles uttering a few words to let him know what to do."Now Your Majesty after the Priest ask who gives this woman to be married to this man, you just go ahead and take a seat beside your wife ." Okay ,now the two of you go ahead . " She said giving Lexi a pat on the shoulders.

Pam followed behind Lexi and King Charles. All the way to the podium, spouting out directions, telling everyone where to stand and what to do. "Okay,Now let me give all of you a brief run down on everything that will be taking place ."

She clasped head hands together in front of her going over each step in her head before speaking again. " Okay, after Princess Alexis and King Charles have taken their place up here in front of the podium, Pastor Sherman will give the opening ceremony.

Pausing she walked over to King Charles, to speak directly to him, " Now King Charles that's when Pastor Sherman will ask who gives this woman to this man. And you say her mother and me and take your seat. Do you have any questions."

" No, I think I've got it." He replied winking at Lexi.

"Now after King Charles Takes his seat, Pastor Sherman say the opening prayer. Then Pastor Sherman will say a few words about marriage in general. Now Your Majesty ", stepping closer to Alex "after that is when you and Princess Alexis will say your wedding vows. After the two of you say your vows you will exchange rings. Now after you exchange your rings Pastor Sherman will say a few words for the closing. Then he will pronounce you husband and wife. Then at the end of the the ceremony Pastor Sherman will introduce you using Princess Alexis new title and name. Okay Your Majesty ,that is when you and Princess Alexis will lead the wedding party to the Balcony to introduce our New Queen to the public."

Her eyes scanned the room,to see if anyone looked confused on what to do, she smiled taking a deep breath and continuing to speak to the group.

" Okay, Now that everyone knows what to do. Let's all go back out in the hallway. And go through the full ceremony with music."

Glancing over at Alex, she informed him of the bad news." Your Majesty there has been a terrible accident, Mrs.Anderson fell over her cat and broke her hip and won't be able to play the organ for your Wedding. But a young lady has volunteered to help us out for this evening. However ,she told me that she already has assignments for your wedding day . I will try to find some one for your wedding who can play one of these old pipe organs, I think there's a lady who works down town at the library that plays the pipe organ at her church, I will speak to her to see if she's available."

" Who is this young lady?" Alex ask.

"Your Majesty, her name is Harper Roberts She's a maid here, fortunately she was helping me decorate today when I got the call from Mrs. Anderson telling me about her accident with her cat." Pam explained

" Harper come over here." Alex called out towards the wooden petition behind the podium.

A young maid with ash blonde hair and big green eyes stepped out from behind the petition stepping over in front of Alex, she crusty, and nervously waited for Alex to speak.

"Harper, where did you learn how to play a pipe organ?" Alex ask smiling politely, seriously doubting this young girl would be able to play the huge ancient musical instrument.

" From my grandmother your Majesty, she plays the organ at her church."

Alex nodded, "I would like to thank you for helping us out tonight, you can go back to the organ now." Alex said ,deciding not to make any hasty decision.

Everyone took their place again preparing to rehearse the whole wedding this time. With out any help from Mrs. Pam.

Ethan and Nana lined up at the door as the lush romantic tone of the old pipe organ roared ,bouncing off the walls of the empty chapel.

Alex smiled,taking Mother Sophia arm, strolling in step to classic wedding tune escorting his mother to her assigned seat then taking his place in front of the podium to wait for his bride.

After Lexi and King Charles walked the aisle and they rehearsed the whole wedding ceremony.

" Harper come out here" Alex called to across the room where the young maid set facing a huge decorative panel that surrounded the old pipe organ.

Standing up she nervously stepped over in front of Alex and crusty ,looking at the floor waiting for him to speak.

" Harper would you like to play the organ at my wedding?"

" Yes, your Majesty, but I can't I've already been assigned to help chef Rosa with

hors d'oeuvres for the reception."

" If your sure you would like to play the organ I can speak to Julie and have someone else help Chef Rosa with the

hors d'oeuvres."

" Oh, your Majesty that would be wonderful." She gushed excitedly.