Press Conference (3)

Song Nuanyi listened to their questions quietly and did not say a word. She took the time to give Qiao Kang, who was sitting below, a reassuring look. Only when the questions stopped coming did she look at the reporters and ask, "Are you done?"

The reporters were silent for a moment. They had been reporters for so many years, but this was the first time they were asked such a question. Usually, they would ask a question and the other party would answer it. How could it be like this?

They had already asked ten questions, but the other party did not say a single word.

"You guys didn't give me the chance to say anything just now!" Song Nuanyi waved her hand innocently.

The reporters said weakly, "You can interject. We will stop and wait for you to answer."

After all, they wanted her answer.

"You have to be polite. How can I interrupt your conversation? Are you all done asking? If not, you can continue," Song Nuanyi said again.