Father’s Condition

Song Nuanyi did not realize the meaning of Mother Wang's words until she arrived at the hospital and came to the door of the ward. She was shocked when she saw the dull man on the bed.

"Father?" She called out tentatively.

Hearing the voice, Elder Song turned around and looked at her. His dull eyes suddenly became excited. He waved his hands and shouted, "Fu Sheng, Fu Sheng, you came to see me. I know I'm wrong. Don't be angry with me, okay?"

Elder Song ignored the needle on his arm and jumped off the bed to rush toward Song Nuanyi.

Song Nuanyi rushed forward and pressed him back onto the bed. Then, she rang the bell to call for the doctor.

The doctor rushed over. When he saw the blood on the back of his hand, he did not panic. Instead, he was relieved, he said, "Elder Song was in a trance and didn't communicate with anyone. I didn't expect that he would change the moment Miss Song came in."