The Whole Company Celebrated

Before they raised their objections, Song Nuanyi said, "I advise you to be obedient. Otherwise, once I sue the court, all you can do is pay back all your money you took in the past."

Their hearts trembled. A few people who could not bear the pressure were the first to sign the transfer contract. Asking them to pay back the money was as good as taking their lives.

Song Nuanyi did not want to kill them all. After all, they were all from her father's generation. She did not want to care about the matters of the previous generation, so this matter would end here. However, her father was willing to be that sucker. In the future, Song Empire would be under her control. She did not want to let these pests stay in the company anymore.

Wang Shaohua still wanted to try. He threatened, "Niece Song has just accepted Song Empire. It's understandable for young people to be arrogant, but I advise you to be more lenient when doing things."