The Test

"I'm about to leave Alberto City for the Capital city, but we need a person in charge of this place. Do you think you have the ability to do it?" Song Nuanyi asked directly, throwing a question at him. If a person did not have the confidence, he would not be able to do it well.

Yan Qing was stunned by the good news. After he reacted, he was afraid that if he recovered too slowly, Song Nuanyi would regret his decision.

"I can do it!" His eyes were shining. He had been waiting for another opportunity, and now this opportunity had come.

Song Nuanyi nodded and said, "Okay, you can formulate a company's development strategy and send it to my email. That's it. Let's go back."

Yan Qing nodded. There was no longer a trace of gloominess and defeat. He left with full fighting spirit.

Assistant Chen said in surprise, "I thought you were going to observe him for a while."

"Who says I'm not observing him now?" Song Nuanyi said.