Pretending to Be the Welcome Party

Song Nuanyi looked to the left. Two tall men in suits were standing at the edge of the crowd. They were holding a welcome card and a bunch of sunflowers.

Song Nuanyi walked over and did not take the flowers. She was holding Wu Zifei in her hands. How could she let go for a bunch of flowers?

Assistant Chen naturally understood and politely took the sunflower.

One of the men said, "Miss Song, sorry to keep you waiting. Mr. Smith has already arranged a welcome banquet." He reached out his hand and made an elegant gesture. "Please."

Although Smith knew that she was coming and had said that he would hold a welcome banquet for her, based on her understanding of Smith in her previous life, Smith would not have sent two such inflexible people to pick her up.

She had a bad premonition.

It seemed that the situation in the Capital was indeed unpredictable. They had just landed when someone started to take action.