Is She Better-Looking Than Me?

Song Nuanyi hung up the phone and saw Assistant Chen's twitching expression. She pretended to glare at him. "Did you have a stroke?"

Assistant Chen put away his shocked and speechless expression and awkwardly threw the document on the ground. "The Zheng Family wants to send someone to the Capital to discuss the follow-up process of the project with us. Mr. Smith is going to leave soon, so the project has been handed over to us and the Zheng Corporation."

Song Nuanyi took the document and skimmed through it before asking, "Who does the Zheng Family want to send?"

The office was silent for a long time. She raised her head curiously and saw Assistant Chen's hesitant expression.

She frowned and had a bad feeling. "It can't be Zheng Guaner, right?"

Assistant Chen nodded heavily as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

Song Nuanyi facepalmed. "No way, it's this Young Master again!"