
Song Nuanyi got dressed and came out of the bedroom. There was a sandwich, milk, and a fruit salad on the table.

Even though it was very simple, this was the first time he had personally made breakfast for Song Nuanyi.

Song Nuanyi kept her head down the whole time. She did not know if she should ask about what happened yesterday.

Wu Chenjin saw her embarrassment and deliberately teased her, "If you lower your head again, your head will fall on the plate."


Song Nuanyi raised her head in confusion and happened to bump into his smile mischievous smile. When she realized that he was teasing her on purpose, she said angrily, "Wu Chenjin! Do you want to get beaten up?"

Wu Chenjin had an innocent look on his face. "You already beat me up yesterday, but you still want to beat me up today?"

Her expression immediately turned to surprise. "I beat you up?" She said in disbelief, "How is that possible? It's impossible for me to beat you up."