Assassination (1)

Song Nuanyi knew that Wu Chaotian was not a good person, but she did not expect him to be so disgusting as to make such a creepy arrangement.

Assistant Chen introduced, "This person and the woman you saw at Wu Chaotian's house are twins, so when you saw that woman, you mistakenly thought that the man was a woman disguised as a man.

"Not only do they look the same, but the moles on their ears are also the same. Five years ago, they had the same tattoo. Now, one is Wu Chaotian's intelligence officer, and the other is a hitman. They specialize in this kind of murder."

Song Nuanyi clenched her fists tightly, her nails deeply embedded in her palms. She sat on the chair for a long time without saying a word. Assistant Chen thought that she thought that she was sad, which was why she was in this wandering state.

He called out, "Director Song?"

Song Nuanyi raised her head and let Assistant Chen go back first. She stayed in the office alone for a long time.