Father Will Never Get Better

The Song Family reception had a huge impact on the world. The legends about the Song Family and Song Nuanyi became the favorite of the major media reports.

The overwhelming news flooded the people like a tsunami wave. The chain reaction brought by the market heat brought more funds and projects to Song Nuanyi.

Every project and financing formed a perfect closed loop. As long as Song Nuanyi maintained the current virtuous circle, she would definitely be able to catch up with the three big families in the Capital within a year, or even become the leader in one leap.

Song Nuanyi stood in the most prosperous commercial building in the Capital and watched the people coming and going. The team behind her was busy working on every new project.

Everyone thought that her intention to enter the Capital was a joke, and everyone was waiting to see her make a fool of herself. Now, their contempt from before had become the joke.