The Perfect Woman

Xue Na looked downstairs through the window and then turned back to look at her nervous assistant, Mei Ying.

"What's going on?"

Mei Ying hurriedly explained, "I don't know either. I don't know this person."

Xue Na shouted angrily, "Get rid of him quickly!"

Mei Ying could not feel Zheng Guaner's surging love under such a high-pressure environment. She could only feel urgency, worry, and anxiety.

Based on her understanding of Xue Na, Xue Na would never allow herself to be surrounded by a woman who was more high-profile and more attractive than her. Her jealousy and desire to win were not something that ordinary people could compare to.

Mei Ying thought of many ways. She begged and begged downstairs. She made a fuss and even called the police, but they still could not chase Zheng Guaner away.

On the fourth day, Xue Na and Mei Ying went downstairs together after work and met Zheng Guaner again.