Love Triangle

Xue Na found out about the engagement between Wu Chenjin and Song Nuanyi through various channels. She was so mad that she immediately called Cao Yuhan over to question him.

"Didn't you say that you have a way to get Song Nuanyi's forgiveness? What time is it? Do you know that they are going to get engaged soon?"

Xue Na's roar echoed throughout the room. Her hair was messy, and her steps were violent. She broke everything in the room that could be broken, and the floor was littered with broken glass and ceramic shards.

Under Xue Na's orders, the three security guards beat Cao Yuhan black and blue. The blood at the corner of his mouth seeped into the gaps between his teeth. He hugged his stomach and hunched on the ground. He kept saying, "Give me one more day. Give me one more day."