Two Days

Cheng Wei's brows furrowed as the unknown voice rang out.

She turned to see Yao Tang's pretty face. Her eyes flashed with ire, but it disappeared in the next second. "Who do you think you are to be telling me what to do?" Cheng Wei demanded.

She looked at Yao Tang up and down as she spoke. Where did this idiot come from? She wasn't even wearing any brand on her person; how dare she challenge Cheng Wei's medical skills?

But Yao Tang only pocketed her hands and fixed her eyes on the old lady.

"Two days," she said after a while, her tone flat and unbothered.

Cheng Yan instantly heaved a sigh of relief. Yao Tang was saying that she could treat this illness in two days, and he believed her.

"Cheng Zhou," he said. "You heard her. Yao Tang needs two days."

This prompted Cheng Zhou to study the girl carefully.