Transferring Schools

Cheng Yan simply smiled in response. "Director Wei, do tell me again, I wasn't able to hear you properly. Who were you going to expel and have sent to some special education facility?"

Wei Tao was the head of the administrative education department in City A, a high achiever himself, and his son attended school in No. 1 High School. He wasn't supposed to go to this ceremony until his wife had called him to leave his job and hurry over.

No. 1 High School was famous for being one of the best of the best. Every single year, their students would achieve outstanding performance in exams and competitions, and attend the top universities in the country.

He couldn't let one person ruin the school's reputation no matter what!

However, as soon as he saw the young woman standing next to Cheng Yan, his heart skipped a beat. This was the same girl he had seen in the video! What was she doing beside him? His stomach stirred.

Something didn't feel right.