A Clear Distinction Between Good and Evil

Many of the parents stared at Yang Rong. Even they couldn't believe it themselves, but even then, they knew that this young girl wasn't lying. They had heard of this case before. Soon, the anger in their eyes shifted to sympathy.

However, there were also a few parents who gazed at Yang Rong with the same stares she'd been receiving from her bullies. They were disgusted, staring at her as if she was nothing more than a speck of dirt.

There truly was a large distinction between good and evil.

Yang Rong said, "I'm standing here today, not because I'm bragging about my survival. In fact, if I had the choice, I would not resurface this memory. But the way you're acting – don't point your fingers at someone when you don't even know the full story. Sometimes, the criminal may be well within you, and that's the person you need to punish – not the victim, never the victim."

The entire sports center fell silent.