With the Bank President

He jolted back to his senses and panicked when he realized he had been staring for far too long. Meng Yang hurriedly turned away and kneed Xiao Pang in the butt. "Let's go buy some milk tea."

"Huh? Oh, okay, let's go." Xiao Pang rubbed his behind before reluctantly following the other boy.

As for Chu Yao, he remained with Yao Tang and Lin Xin, and they continued to the cafeteria together.

Yao Yuan found himself being summoned to Xie Cheng's office.

"Director Xie," he greeted. "Have you finally found what happened to the promotion that was supposed to be mine?"

Xie Cheng set his pen down and leaned back against his chair. "The person who interfered in the matter is from the Qin family in the capital city."