Change in Test Results

Yao Tang was just about to get back to her game when a page suddenly appeared on her laptop screen. Someone was trying to attack her system.

She narrowed her eyes and put her phone down, her lips curving slightly at the corners. She did find these attempts quite amusing.

Fortunately for her, there never seemed to be a shortage of these fools. Yao Tang had had to play with them at least once a month.

'Now, then.' Her fingers danced all over her keyboard, generating various lines of codes all at once.

The light from her screen cast a shadow on the wall behind her, silhouetting her crouched figure.

It only took a few minutes for Yao Tang to fix the issue.

Meanwhile, at a hacker base in Country K...

A man slammed his fist on the table as he glared at his computer screen. A huge image of a thumb pointing downward was flashing on it, mocking him.

"Damn it! I failed again!"