Fairy and Demon

Yao Tang glanced at the garments in question. Sure enough, the logo showing flamingo wings was exposed. "It's a high-quality imitation," she said in a dismissive tone.

The makeup artist visibly sighed in relief.

Right, getting one's hands on this particular brand of clothes was considered a feat.

More to the point, the brand had never been put out in the market. They had a very exclusive clientele, and the common society had no access to them at all.

Yao Tang picked up the dress and went to change into it.

Sheng Ting had one of the most beautiful faces in show business, so he didn't take long on the makeup chair. He had very little need of it, after all. Still, it took some time to get his hair done.

He stared at his reflection now, lost in his thoughts.

He had only ever seen Yao Tang in black or white before, but now she was going to wear red.

Sheng Ting wasn't sure what to expect.