I Won't Help

The old man didn't say anything, but the kindness had already faded from his features. The grip he had on the teacup tightened as he stared at the young woman sitting before him.

Yao Tang, as usual, didn't have any expression on her face. Instead, she looked far too focused on her phone to care.

Did she not take them seriously?

Qin Man held back her anger as she leaned forward. "Are you listening to me?" she demanded. "Stop playing with your stupid phone and speak to us. The adults are talking to you!"

"I won't help."

Yao Tang shrugged, her eyes showing indifference.

The tension in the room was thick, and everyone stared in disbelief.

Yao Yuan slammed his fists onto the table, unable to believe that his own daughter would act like this. He scowled. If looks could kill, the girl would've already been dead years ago.