You're Finished!

Even Meng Yang, who was usually unbothered by these situations, couldn't help but feel that something was wrong. Not wanting to ask Yao Tang, he poked Xiao Pang who was sitting right in front of him. "What's wrong?"

Xiao Pang pointed at his phone in response.

He didn't even wait for his permission, snatching his phone from his friend's hand. He read all the forum posts quickly.

Lin Xin who had already read the comments couldn't help but glance over at Yao Tang. She couldn't help but feel uneasy by the words popping up in the forum.

"These people really are ridiculous!"

Within a few seconds, Meng Yang punched the table. A loud bang echoed across the classroom, and everyone jumped from their seats.

His face was beet red, and his eyes were dark with rage. Fingers digging into his palms, he spat. Everyone backed away, afraid that the young master would pour his anger out on them.