Qin Jing’s Post

"Humph! If you won't help Yao Tang, then I'll defend her on the school forum myself. I'll even use my real name! I'll show those blind idiots that there are people supporting our Sister Yang, too!"

With that, Qin Jing whirled around and stormed back upstairs.

Before going, however, she made a point of glaring at Yao Ran. 'This girl is still hoping to marry Big Brother. Ha! That will never happen!'

The Yao family were no better than opportunists, who not only refused to defend their kin, but would even fuel the flames of persecution.

Yao Ran met Qin Jing's glare with a gentle smile and a polite expression.

In doing this, she highlighted her own graciousness while exposing Qin Jing's lack of civility at the same time.

Madam Qin took note of this subtle exchange. Her eyes narrowed, and the smile disappeared from her face. 'Who do these people think they are? How dare they intrude into my home and do whatever they want?'