School Transfer

That evening, Qin Residence.

Qin Jing popped into the kitchen and helped her mother prepare dinner. After a while, she turned to Madam Qin, vegetables in hand, and said, "Mom, I want to go back to school. I want to attend No. 1 High School and enroll in the same class as Yao Tang."

Madam Qin froze in shock. It took her some time to gather herself. "What did you just say?"

Qin Jing took a deep breath and repeated her words slowly. "I said, I want to go back to school and attend No. 1 High School with Yao Tang. I'm all better, aren't I?"

After getting Yao Tang's acupuncture treatment, it was almost as if she had never been poisoned at all. She had also been religiously applying traditional medicine to the unsightly lesions on her skin, and now they had completely disappeared.

She could finally resume her schooling without any worries about her health or appearance. And it was all thanks to Yao Tang.

Qin Jing really wanted to be her classmate.