The Post Disappeared

"Yao Tang was raised in the countryside, so it's only natural for her to have picked up some of the rural practices and behavior around her. We understand that she would occasionally get into fights, and ask that you be more tolerant and considerate toward her. It seems that our Yao family hasn't taught her well enough in terms of discipline and basic courtesy.

We have also come to learn that the cost of Yang Rong's treatment amounted to a few million yuan. We can't even begin to imagine how Yao Tang has managed to survive all these years. She lived a life that no little girl deserved.

The Yao family is to blame for all her shortcomings, so we would like to take this opportunity to apologize on her behalf. We implore you to find it in your hearts to be kinder to her.

Lastly, you have our word that the Yao family will double its efforts in making her a better person. With your help, we can surely steer Yao Tang to a brighter future!"