A Coward!

Everyone listened to their exchange, trying to gather their thoughts on this matter.

Yao Ran had sounded so sincere and real. She really looked like a heartbroken girl who just wanted her sister to come home. Even Luo Hua was moved.

If Qin Jing didn't know her true colors, she would've been fooled by the display of love.

Lin Xin looked a little worried. She glanced back and forth, wondering how this was going to go down. She knew for a fact that Sister Tang didn't want to head back.

However, Yao Ran had already said too much. If Yao Tang refused to head back, then the teachers present would only misunderstand her to be some heartless and ungrateful daughter.

This wouldn't be a good thing for her reputation either.

It was a lose-or-lose situation that Yao Ran had managed to dig up. Awkwardness filled the air, and Lin Xin could only shuffle hesitantly.

All of their gazes fell on Yao Tang.

They glared at her in worry and disdain.