Her Real Target

"The Qin family is holding the party this Sunday. Ranran has to be there! I'm sure that the young master will be captivated by our lovely daughter."

Yao Yuan visibly relaxed as he took the invitation card and looked it over.

"Very well," he nodded. "Make the necessary preparations. You must do well, Ranran. Seize this opportunity to speak with Young Master Qin and win his favor."

"I understand, Dad."

Qin Man grinned, pleased with herself.

Before bed that night, Qin Man took a glass of milk upstairs and knocked on Yao Ran's bedroom door.

"Are you asleep, Ranran?" she called out. "Mom wanted to see if you're feeling better."

"Come in, Mom!"

Qin Man let herself in and found the girl at her desk, poring over a book.

She looked much calmer now; one would have never thought that she had been bawling her eyes out just a while ago.

Qin Man walked over and placed the glass of milk on the desk.