A Sunny Day

"School's finally over! Let's go eat something delicious."

"Not me, I want to go home and sleep!"

Xi Yan watched the students wistfully as they exchanged plans and made their way out into the hall.

The next morning.

It was already nine o'clock when Yao Tang woke up.

She blinked a few times and pulled her phone from under her pillow. Cheng Yan had sent her a message:

"Meet me at the school gates at ten."

Yao Tang's reply was short: "K."

Most of the other residents had gone home for the weekend, and only Lin Xin, Yao Tang, and another girl named Fang Rui remained.

The other two were still fast asleep. They were generally lazy during the weekends, and often just lay in bed for hours.

Yao Tang gingerly got down from her bunk and fetched her cup to wash up.

The entire building was quiet, with only the sound of her footsteps echoing in the walls as she padded over to the bathroom.