Come Back!

"Of course!"

As soon as he was called, the shop assistant stepped forward almost immediately and proceeded with the preparations to wrap everything up.

Cheng Yan, who had entered the fold per Yao Tang's instructions, easily moved even closer to her.

"You're okay, right?" He held her hand. "What happened? Why are the security guards here?"

She simply shook her head in response.

"It's just a small scuffle, sir. Please don't worry. Our security guards have been trained from the best of the best, and we will protect all of our Diamond Holders," the uniformed man explained.

As they were speaking, the shop assistant had already completed all the packing. "Thank you for shopping with us," he said, handing them the goods.

"Thank you." Grabbing the bag, Yao Tang and Cheng Yan strolled to the supermarket just adjacent to the store to buy some snacks. This time, he stood right by her side to ensure that no one else got in the way.