Yao Ran's Gift

She was certain that Qin Jing was going to like the gift, and she wanted the latter to admit it in front of everyone.

This way, they could avoid getting accused of coming to the party uninvited, or worse, kicked out.

Determined, Yao Ran plucked her gift box from the table and gave it back to Qin Jing.

She proceeded to flutter her eyelashes expectantly, like a character from one of those ridiculous, vintage cartoons.

Qin Jing remained unfazed, however.

At this point, a handful of people had gathered around them after overhearing the kerfuffle. They, too, wanted to see what the present was.

Pretty soon, the small group grew into a crowd.

They whispered among themselves and looked at the box on Qin Jing's lap with eager anticipation.

After all, opening presents was considered one of the highlights of any birthday party.