Mad Dogs

Just then, a voice came from behind them, dripping with sarcasm. "I knew it. I can tell a country bumpkin when I see one. What, have you guys never eaten these dishes before."

Qing Jing whirled around and demanded, "Who the heck are you? What makes you think you can say just those nasty things, huh? Your mouth stinks!"

The other students turned to see a girl in a black, trendy dress and huge sunglasses. Her lips were glossy red, and a luxury brand purse was hanging from her shoulder. She was undoubtedly another brat from some rich, snobbish family.

Yu Shu rolled her eyes at Qin Jing and crossed her arms over her chest.

"What, am I mistaken? A country bumpkin is a country bumpkin, no matter how hard she tries to fit in the city. Anyway, I'm talking about Yao Tang, so mind your own business."