Care to Make a Bet?

However, Yu Shu still wasn't convinced. "Do you know her enough to believe her?" She scoffed. "You're an invigilator, and it's your duty not to leave the classroom. Are you going to disobey that order just because some girl told you to?"

With a roll of her eyes, the older woman went to Yao Tang's side and pulled her out of her seat.

Yao Tang smirked.

She stood up and whirled toward her. "Care to make a bet then?"

Even if her tone was neither firm nor arrogant, it still made Yu Shu stagger back in surprise. It was as if the young woman knew something she didn't. She could feel all eyes were on her, and she bit the insides of her cheeks.

Unwilling to be outdone, she glared. "What kind of place do you think this is?" she demanded. "A casino? This is a competition. We shouldn't make any bets."