Cheat Sheet

Inside the first examination hall.

The moment the tests began, Yu Shu deliberately walked over to Yao Tang to monitor the girl's every move, and perhaps even intimidate her in the process.

If she found any clues, then there would be no need to take the exam again.

Yu Shu stalked around Yao Tang's seat like a hawk circling its prey, but the latter remained nonplussed. In fact, as soon as Yao Tang received the test papers, she read over the questions and started writing.

She breezed through the test as though it had been made for a kindergarten class.

Yu Shu smirked when she noticed this. 'What a dumbass. I can't believe she doesn't know the answer to any of the questions.'

After all, there was no way someone like Yao Tang could solve each item so fast. She was probably just guessing.

Just then, Yu Shu noticed a slight bulge in one of Yao Tang's pockets. 'What is that?'