Her Guardian

Xi Yan had been hanging around at the entrance, too, waiting for Yao Tang.

In the end, she had decided to stay in the car until the examinees were let out.

To her horror and surprise, Yao Tang fainted the moment she came out of the campus, Worse, she was picked up by a strange man and taken away.

Xi Yan wasted no time and chased after them.

She was staring Cheng Yan down now, wary and alert. She had the vague sense that they had met before; she just couldn't remember where.

What she knew for sure, however, was that this man was no one to trifle with.

When he met her gaze, she felt the urge to avert her eyes, and her body instinctively stiffened.

Thankfully, Qin Hao walked over and stepped between them. "Teacher Xi," he greeted amicably. "Oh, have you forgotten who w are? We were present during the incident with Yang Rong last time. This man is currently here as Yao Tang's guardian. Please rest assured—we are not bad people."