The Strange Boy

"These high school students have too much free time on their hands. Maybe that's why they decided to join forces with some scammers. I'll submit this report to the local education bureau. Maybe then, they'd be taught to take the truth seriously!"

"Let's also report this to teachers. They're obviously not taking their school work seriously."

"If I were their parents, I'd be so angry."

All of their comments were filled with mockery.

Every single one commented on their objections, and Zhang Dong grew even more nervous by the second. Now that the matter had gone viral, he didn't know what else to do.

Just his luck, someone from City A recognized the school uniform and commented below,

"Isn't that uniform from No. 1 High School?"

"City A's No. 1 High School? What kind of irresponsible school is that?"

"You're saying that the top high school in the province is actually an irresponsible school? Are you crazy?"