Praising Her from the Bottom of Their Heart

Yao Tang didn't look like she could care any less. Instead, she shrugged and waved Zhang Dong off. "Just delete it," she said casually. "Don't worry about it."


"Do you still want this to continue?" She raised her eyebrows at the young man, to which he responded with the continuous shaking of his head.

"No, no, of course not!"

"Then this is enough." With that, Yao Tang turned her head and walked down the stairs. Her other friends soon followed, leaving him confused and blank.

He stood there with his jaw dropped and his eyes wide. There was just something about the exchange that he just couldn't recover from. What was happening?

He didn't expect Yao Tang to be like this. In all honesty, while he hadn't interacted with her before, he did hear stories of the scary student from his classmates.

Some said that she was arrogant. Others said that she was violent.