I'm Jealous

After Principal Kong had delivered his message, he saw that his comment had shot up to the top trending list in all of the school's social networks. Every netizen who had been able to read the post caught sight of the principal's commentary.

Immediately, they were all convinced.

"The Principal of the school? Why would the Principal of the school defend such a lowly student? Are you out of your mind?"

"Great, the trolls actually wanted to impersonate the principal of No. 1 High School. Don't you think they should be held legally responsible for their actions? This is too much."

"Yeah, you're the principal. I'm also the mayor. Are we done pretending now?"

"They're probably just trying to get some more attention—trying to divert us from the issue. We shouldn't bother with them. Instead, let's keep this post trending. Let's see what the real No. 1 High School can say about this!"

Hundreds of messages started flooding in.