A Righteous Man

"I knew it. How could a high school student play this well?"

"As a professional athlete myself, I agree with the comments written above. This is obviously just another way to garner more public attention for the school. If anyone can play like this, just like that, then what good are we professional players for?"

"Fortunately, we have Coach Wang to teach us. Otherwise, we'd be fooled by this fake video. Even the principal of No. 1 High School came out to lie to protect his student. This just makes me so furious!"

"Coach Wang, you really are detailed about these things. It's no wonder my kid wants me to hire you as his coach. Name your price! I'd be happy to pay a distinguished coach such as yourself."

The number of comments on his phone increased bit by bit. There were even a few who had privately messaged him, asking him for his rates. Even the top athletes who Wang Peng hadn't connected with started liking his posts!